佢係唔係YAHOO 買賣場?我應唔應該SD GOODS

2010-05-08 4:54 am
tolxy 說:
U there

tolxy 剛剛傳送來電震動。

WaTEr 說:

tolxy 說:
Yea i will buy your item
but my budject is hkd 2500 Including the shiping
WaTEr 說:
tolxy 說:
WaTEr 說:
are you live in HK
tolxy 說:
i live in usa
WaTEr 說:
that OK..
tolxy 說:
ok so i willl like tobuy the item
and i will pay u the total amount of hkd 2500 incluing the shipping
WaTEr 說:
which one you want to buy?
both or just one
tolxy 說:
WaTEr 說:
it is $25 each
tolxy 說:
ok i want 10pcs
WaTEr 說:
all just have 1 pcs
tolxy 說:
OK then
so can u sell it to me
WaTEr 說:
tolxy 說:
OK then good.
i will buy it
and i will pay u through bank transfer which is secure and reliable way of making payments
WaTEr 說:
tolxy 說:
and before i can make the payment , i will need to explain the payment procedure to you first
WaTEr 說:
when you pay the payment, i will send the item to you.
i have a few question
how you pay the payment to me
tolxy 說:
but let me tell you the payment procedure
through bank transfer
WaTEr 說:
tolxy 說:
So before i can proced with the transfer of the funds.
You need to know that, oNce i have made the transfer at my bank,my bank will contact you via Email and let you know that i have made the tranfer of the funds.
WaTEr 說:
tolxy 說:
So once you got the Payment notification mail from my bank, you will need to go and make the shipment of the item and send the shipment details to my bank at ( [email protected] ) and once my bank got the shipment details they will remit thefunds to yur account and you wil be able to recieve your cash payment at your bank
WaTEr 說:
as me know the bank will never send the email about to transfer money
tolxy 說:
then whteva


我比左手提電話佢,,,,,因一開始以為佢LIVE IN HK.


之後我睇左少少知識,,,,,,,,,我問左佢D問題...... 好似真係騙子!!!!!!!! WaTEr 說: both item buy for yourself ?\ tolxy 說: for my kids WaTEr 說: GIRL? tolxy 說: yes WaTEr 說: does she have ear cavity tolxy 說: yes


WaTEr 說: I SEE before i shipping the item, what should i send to you for record? such as supporting about i got the payment> ? tolxy 說: noting you need to send me the prove of the shipping WaTEr 說: OK, when i got your payment, i will sd item to you


tolxy 說: nope u ned to send the item first and when u send the item, then u can get ur money WaTEr 說: why tolxy 說: thats the procedure of my banker


WaTEr 說: plz give me your address first tolxy 說: Name : Yan Zhang Address : Shop D040,Guozhan Trading CenterGuangyuan West Road City : Guangzhou Province : Guangdong Country : China Post Code : 510010 phone No : +8615099996224

回答 (1)

2010-05-08 4:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
佢係騙子, 你唔好上當!!!
真係唔好亂試呀~我都遇過呢 d 人架!!
就算佢係真係假, 你唔好理佢啦!
參考: me

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