
2010-05-08 3:18 am
我想考CIBSE charter,但沒有master.
如果巳經有足夠的工作經驗+Scheme A ,BSE(Hon),但沒有master,我聽過可通過一些考試合格,可代替master,有無什麼course可以去讀,

For those who qualified or began their studies before September 1999, the academic requirement is an accredited BEng(Hons) degree. But my degree after 1999 sept.


The academic standard for MCIBSE with CEng registration for UK qualification holders is any ECUK listed BEng(Hons) degree plus a period of further learning to Master’s level or an accredited MEng degree or an accredited BEng(Hons) degree started prior to September 1999.

回答 (2)

2010-05-13 6:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
根據 CIBSE Membership Fact Sheet, 只要你 study 的是認可的 BEng (hons) degree. 就唔需要 master.

行得 Scheme A, 證明你個 degree 一定係認可 degree.
如果巳經有足夠的工作經驗, 你可以 prepare "Engineering Practise Report", 申請成為 Charter.
通過面試合格, 就能成為 MCIBSE CEng.

Please refer to Fact Sheet: http://www.cibse.org/pdfs/M22.pdf
2010-05-08 6:19 am
To the best of my knowledge, a master's degree is not one of the requirements for corporate membership of HKIE. Similarly, it is also not a requirement for chartered engineer in UK.

2010-05-07 22:19:39 補充:
Even though you have got a master's degree, it gives you no advantage in the application for corporate membership. You can clarify this with HKIE and CIBSE.

2010-05-14 19:54:41 補充:
Can you quote from the regulation concerned what the requirement for corporate membership is? I cannot believe that a Master's Degree is essential. No way!

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