F.1 Mathematics

2010-05-07 9:59 pm
1. An aquarium is in the shape of a cuboid. It is 80cm long and 60 cm wide.It is
filled with water of depth 30 cm originally . 0.096m3 water is now poured into
it . Find the rise in water level in cm.

2. A swimming pool is 50m long ,20m wide and 2m deep.In the coming renovation,we need to cover all the pool with new tiles.Find the total surface area of tiles to be used.

回答 (2)

2010-05-07 10:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2010-05-07 14:18:57 補充:
2010-05-07 10:06 pm
1.the rise in water level=20cm

2010-05-07 14:08:19 補充:
2.the total surface area of tiles to be used=1280m²

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