
2010-05-07 1:46 pm


回答 (5)

2010-05-07 10:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案

CCTV = closed-circuit television. 的縮寫 = 閉路電視, 那.. 其他保安系統可不寫.. 簡單一點
Baggage claim = 取行李地方
Police force = 警方
Arrest = 逮捕
By posting an endurable sign on luggage where is obviously seen, it can guard against luggage robbing.
The police force has lately received a number of reports about baggage lost. They had thereby secretly overseen baggage claim and a suspect’s feature was captured by CCTV.
A Taiwanese guy was arrested on April 27. The total value he stole, it reached two hundred thousand that he traded them through online auction for 2nd hand products, after returning Taiwan.

2010-05-07 14:50:11 補充:
A Taiwanese guy, "Mr. Kong" was arrested........
2010-05-09 12:46 am
Prominent marks in the trunk permanent marker, can effectively prevent luggage theft

Police received a number of recent reports of missing luggage, with closed-circuit television security systems, locking a suspect's physical characteristics, but also sent to spy in the luggage belt in the vicinity, on April 27 to a Taiwanese man surnamed Jiang arrest, his stolen name brand luggage worth more than 20 million, succeeded after brought back to Taiwan, then to second-hand brand-name goods in online auctions.
2010-05-08 3:06 am
Prominent marks in the trunk permanent marker, can effectively prevent luggage theft.
Police received a number of recent reports of missing luggage, with closed-circuit television security systems, locking a suspect's physical characteristics, but also sent to spy in the luggage belt in the vicinity, on April 27 to a Taiwanese man surnamed Jiang arrest, his stolen name brand luggage worth more than 20 million, succeeded after brought back to Taiwan, then to second-hand brand-name goods in online auctions.
2010-05-07 8:15 pm
發問者: 您曾經胡亂選了最佳回答, 太不尊重回答者,也浪費了其努力和時間. 欲為其譯, 還請三思!!
2010-05-07 2:06 pm
Adhering a permanent marking on the main spots of your luggage can prevent it from being stolen.

The Police had received quite a number of incidents of lost luggage. They used the closed-circuit TV system to locate the outlook of a suspect, and they also supervised closely around the luggage area. Finally they caught a male Taiwanese by the last name of Kong on April 27th. The brand name luggage that he had stolen were valued at a total of over two hundred thousand dollars. He had been back to Taiwan after that, and then sold his second-hand goods on the Internet.

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