中文轉英文 07:00 7/5要呀~help...

2010-05-07 11:49 am
今天我犯錯了, 我把hkd 4500的支票, 看錯成hkd 4500的現金, 輸入了我公司的雹腦系統, 之後我把hkd 4500的現金, 放了入夾萭內, 我沒有看清楚, 是我的錯, 以後我會盡量避免再法生這樣的錯失.

不好意思可以加多一點嗎? 當我交更給同事的時候發現不見了4500現金在櫃筒, 因為我昨晚埋計數後沒有再數一次櫃筒,後來我搵返d單至發現我出錯了~

回答 (5)

2010-05-07 9:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我也是公司management一分了, 希望可以幫你弄一個比較中容, 而又不令你死都底嘅解釋.

你現在心情一定很混亂. 我建議作一點冷靜而又有條理的寫法.
首先我會說明是我錯了的說話, 更明確. 之後, 會說明當時的情況如下... 之後, 才一一說明... 那我的寫法是將標題明確化, 再述出事發經過.
而且, 我會避免用mistake這字. 改用為error. 因為人定看後感受一定唔好.. 而且, 你已找到問題, 而當中問題是一個不小心而引起問題發生.. 所以, 我會利用你的意思修訂一下. 而且, 不要寫太多 「我」... 描述最好是以第3身,.. 而人家睇來, 你又不致太傷. 要保護自己.

It was my careless having the error happened.
This incident was an overlooking of HKD4500 as cash instead of cheque. The HKD4500 was inasmuch input into system and was kept in a safe.
This error was discovered, while the time of duty shift. The figures in drawer weren't carefully checked last night before handing on. Fortunately, I digged out the transaction records to recover this error.
I sincerely apologize for being careless and I will absolutely pay attention to avoid this situation happening again.

2010-05-07 14:01:10 補充:
緊記, 寫出來的東西不要將自己「致死」. 因為, 人定可將你的文章化大..
當你面對面解釋, 多說「我」也可以. 但也要盡量講為「錯」, 而系講為「唔小心」.

2010-05-07 14:01:45 補充:
但也要盡量將「錯」, 講為「唔小心」.

2010-05-07 14:03:18 補充:
里句可以修正下 :
"This error was discovered "during" the time of duty shift."

2010-05-07 14:04:58 補充:
里句可以修正下 :
The HKD4500 was inasmuch input into system "inaccurately" and was kept in a safe.

2010-05-07 14:06:43 補充:
"inaccurately" - 用「不準確地」比用incorrectly「不正常地」, 詞氣無咁重..
你要注意... 諗諗.. 點解我咁寫呀 ~~~~

2010-05-07 14:07:07 補充:
參考: 本人對危機處理的文章算不錯
2010-05-07 6:50 pm
Today I made a mistake, I hk $ 4500 cheque, wrong as hk $ 4500 in cash, enter the company's computer system, then I put hk $ 4500 in cash, put into the safe, I do not see clearly, was my fault, then I will try to avoid such mistakes law students.
When I pay more when a colleague discovered missing hk $ 4500 cash in the counter tube, because I did not again last night after counting the number of buried a container tube, and then I returned alone to find that I earn a mistake ~

參考: --
2010-05-07 12:56 pm
I made a horrible mistake today, I mistakenly inputed a 4500HKD cheuqe into the compueter system. After that I putted the 4500HKD into my security safe. I didn't look after it carefully, it's my mistake. After this I would try my best to prevent this from happening again.
參考: 自己
2010-05-07 12:04 pm
I made a mistake today; I have misread a cheque of HKD 4500 to HKD 4500 cash and I input this amount into the computer system of my office. I have then put the HKD 4500 cash into the safe after that. It is my fault that I did not see and check it carefully before hand and I will try not to make this kind of mistake any more.
參考: by myself
2010-05-07 11:54 am
I made a mistake today which I viewed the HK$5000 cheque as HK$4500 cash, and I entered into the company computer system. Hence I put the HK$4500 cash into the safe. I didn’t look at it clearly. It was my fault, and I will avoid making this type of mistake in the future.

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