what makes something right or wrong?

2010-05-06 9:15 pm
who are we to decide if something is right or wrong?

回答 (8)

2010-05-06 10:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First of all i thought i ought to comment on Wasabi's comment. I attend a Catholic highschool and am currently taking grade twelve Philosophy. Although it focuses on many subjects not all Bible Related (as the course replaces taking Church and Culture), the general background includes God. Although I personally have my own opinions on church and religion, I thought i should mention that philosophy can very much tie into God.

Second, to answer your question, that is very much a topic of ethics and morality. Thomas Aquinas (who had an Aristotelian view) very much believed in three types of virtues; intelligence, moral and theological. Each can lead to another, but he believed that all three were key to morality and discovering right or wrong. In fact, he believed that God gives someone the ability to see right or wrong.

The problem is, "right or wrong" is very difficult. One may argue that each feel differently. Others may argue the instances where some are unable to distinguish right or wrong. The truth is, right or wrong walks hand in hand with 'just'. what is just? These are questions philosophers still ponder today.
2010-05-07 1:44 pm
I think a major part is intention. But I also think that nothing is all good or all bad.
2010-05-07 12:32 pm
Only a soul in drag.
2010-05-07 5:11 am
nothing is right or wrong
2010-05-07 4:47 am
There is no right or wrong that can be defined by any particular person
other then yourself. It is quite easy to find out what is wrong and right for
yourself. This is why you have feelings. You do something and you
see how it feels. Did it feel good? did you feel good doing it? did you
feel good after doing it? When you think of the act that you have done
how do you feel? If the answer is always positive that means you have done
something right. That doesnt mean someone doing the same thing is going to
feel the same way you did or that they will react positively or negatively to your experience.
Everything is subjective to each human beings point of view based on their experiences and
knowledge. The problem with society is that they try to inflict a point of view on how we should think, act, and feel.
You shouldnt burden yourself with the problem of what is right and what is wrong.
Basically everything a human being does is perfect, even when you break something,
you do it perfectly. Even when you lose something or you get in a fight with somebody,
or you have a bad relationship with someone, fundementaly, every action you take is
perfectly done. However, experience brings you to a point where you realise that all of
your life has brought you to a point where you understand that all your experiences
have taken place in such a way that you begin to understand that you have choice.
Choice in taking actions in your life that make you feel good all the time. If you never
had bad experiences , or did something that felt wrong, how would you ever know
what you should do in order to feel good and thus take actions that are right.
We are to decide whats right and wrong for our own selves. Society as a whole
on earth is flawed. We are the only living species of mammals that kill each other.
Think about it. So something is definetly wrong. Why the need for killing? Because
a lot of people do not have the capacity to understand that taking a life , be it
an insect to a human is wrong. Life is in everything so we shouldnt have the right to take it
unless perpelled by the law of nature. And by law of nature i mean, if your life is threatened
or the ones of your loved ones, and you are in a kill or be killed situations, then by all means
you shouldnt think twice. If you have nothing to eat so thus you are forced to hunt and fish
then it right. It is the law of nature.
But the reasoning for war is absurd. Human beings have to learn to
evolve through love of each other and through understanding. Because there is no better good
then the feeling of love. And once you attain the concioussnes of divine love=love of every living thing,
then you understand deeply what is right or wrong. There is basically nothing you can do wrong
except kill living things for no reason. Hurting people of course
is wrong, but usually it is a process we all go through in order
to get to a point where u realize all of your mistakes and start
forgiving people that have hurt you and also forgive yourself for hurting other people. Once divine love is attained, it is impossible to take an action that will hurt anyone. You begin
to act and think at such of a high level of understanding
that such an act does not even cross ones mind.

Thats why in my opinion the type of people that govern us , will fall, because more and more people
are being awakened and illuminated by this divine love that exists in ourselves, and one day we will stop other human beings dying of poverty, starvation and war because there is no reason for all this mass suffering. We are equal and we should make it our duty that everyone has the right to live equally.

anyway thats my stream of conciouness answering your question, hope it makes sense somewhat.

take care
參考: divine love and understanding
2010-05-07 4:32 am
What makes something right or wrong?

My English standard is poor so I would like to share in traditional Chinese. Hope you don’t mind.







2010-05-07 4:18 am
everyone has their own opinion. to me one thing could be right but to another it could be so wrong that they would want to kill you for it.
2010-05-07 4:22 am
so if someone feels it's right to hurt a child that would be ok with you?

don't you have any sense of right and wrong?

right: forgot foolish philosophy..
right: get to know God

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