does society need psychopaths?

2010-05-06 8:18 pm
serial killers, Mansons, Ted Bundys...
in spite of attempts at crime prevention there is still crime and murder
is murder as essential as birth and natural causes of death?
is it another facet of Darwinism?

回答 (4)

2010-05-08 8:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
You and me are products of our genes and our environments. It is the same with criminals and crazy people. Many men and women in prison today were neglected and/or abused as children. It is too easy to say that they still knew better and shouldn't have done whatever it is that they were found guilty of. The fact is that there would be a whole lot less people in prison if there was less child abuse and neglect. "Does society need psychopaths?" The psychopaths are our fellow human beings.
2010-05-07 7:10 am
this society does... in that sometimes it takes the psychopath to exist for the rest of society to get up and do something... which shows the sad, sad state were are currently living in...

murder is not essential, death/or self defense is...

due to the inferiority of todays current human, yes, it is another facet of Darwinism in that it takes an inferior mind to resort to murder, and it takes an inferior society to allow it to occur...

all other species except the human allows the inferior to breed, and infect the rest of the species... because of this fact, more and more dead beats, physical and mental abusers, murderers, leeches onto society exist...

if you don't want an inferior being to exist in the future, don't birth them into the present....

point of fact, more and more inferior males that should not be allowed to breed, are resorting to getting women/girls drunk, and wearing fragrances and giving 'mickey's in order to force females to sleep with them... if they were truly worthy males... they would not have to resort to this 'rape' to get some...

and society, actually creates bars, and these fragrances, to provide venues and opportunities for these inferior males to procreate....
2010-05-07 3:38 am
yes we do, if people would open there eyes it shows that killing is human nature. people dont like seeig others die, but we do it time and time again, these are the same people that preach for peace.
peace can never be acheived by humans, ever.
psychopaths show me very interesting things. they have different veiws on the world that no one would ever realise. they are very smart people to get away with the crimes they commit. believe it or not you could learn alto from these guys. you could talk to one of htem one day and not even know they were a psychopath

food for thought
2010-05-07 5:04 am
My English standard is poor so I would like to share in traditional Chinese. Hope you don’t mind.






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