急!!一句英文句子 幫我睇下有冇錯

2010-05-07 7:57 am
Doing teenager idols wil income more money.
我想講既係 年青模特兒會有更多的收人.

回答 (6)

2010-05-08 3:31 am
✔ 最佳答案

"Doing teenager idols will income more money."不善之處:
'Doing'是做一件事,所以不說'Doing teenager idols',但可以說'Doing teenager idol jobs' 或'Being teenager idols'。'income more money'是少有的寫法, 可改為'earn more money'或'earn more income'。
盡量跟你的句子(Doing teenager idols will income more money).翻了幾句:
Doing teenager idol jobs will earn more money.Doing teenager idol jobs will earn more income.To be teenager idols will bring in more money.To be teenager idols will bring in more income.
2010-05-16 8:15 am
Being teenager idols will/can get more income
參考: me
2010-05-07 12:54 pm
ncp8102003 既答案係唯一一個正確, 其他D都錯晒...

It's A LOT, two separate words, not "alot".

And why did you put "guys" in the sentence? The person who asked this question was talking about young models. S/he did not specify whether the models are women or men.
2010-05-07 10:03 am
你果句其實解" 做緊年輕偶像將會輸入更多金錢" GRAMMAR上都正確,,但係意思上錯得好離譜,,這是中文既英文-.- 睇下面兩句

1. Young guys would gain a nice salary being a model.

2. Being young models will get more money.

其實英文唔係死譯就岩,,你一定要睇多D英文文章先會知道一句英文需要咩字去組成一句句子先係最準確,,其實寫中文作文同英文作文都係一樣,,要熟悉每一個生字點運用? 適唔適合運用係一句句子裡.

2010-05-07 14:35:42 補充:
To 004

I apologize that I'm used to using guys as people. It should be Young people for my first answer.

Why did I type the two answers? I wonder which one is his meaning or which one is the best to his meaning.

Doing teenager idols(這意味著有"成為"的意思, 所以樓主其實是想問 "成為年青模特兒會有更多的收入") 所以一定要有"becoming/being"係個答案裡
參考: ME 不要抄野~
2010-05-07 8:48 am
Young models earn higher wages.
2010-05-07 8:03 am
錯晒~~~ Yours is hong kong english...


Young/Teenage model are making alot of money.
Being a young/teenage model can make alot of money.

2010-05-07 00:04:40 補充:
Young/Teenage model are making alot of money.

Young/Teenage models are making alot of money.

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