
2010-05-07 7:52 am
以下那條的tense 是對的?and please explain why we use this tense.
1a) "where had you gone?"we have been looking(look) for you all afternoon.
1b) "where had you gone?" we had been looking (look)for you all afternoon.

Thank you.

回答 (2)

2010-05-07 7:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
1B is correct.

如果用HAVE BEEN呢, 即係直到依家都仲搵緊你.
所以要用HAD. HAD因為整個(下午)代表已過去了. 講話我地搵左你成個下午係在晚上講的. 因為ALL (整個) 已經好清楚明白已經過去了.
2010-05-07 4:26 pm
Both 1a and 1b are wrong sentences.
In dialogue or conversation, within quotation marks, normally, present tenses are used.
We never use past perfect tenses unless they are used to compare two actions, and past perfect tense is used to show the earlier action.
"all afternoon" is used to show that an action has been in progress for that period (for a long time). Present perfect continuous tense should be used with all day, all afternoon etc.
the Correct sentence should be:
"Where have you gone? We have been looking for you all afternoon."

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