Excel copy and paste 問題
我部腦唔知做乜, 唔可以copy and paste, 我e+ o既情況係咁o既
有excel 1 and excel 2 兩個files 啦, 我想係excel 1 copy d data 去 excel 2, 但唔知點解copy 唔到, 但係excel 1 內的worksheet 之間就可以copy and paste 到. 有冇高手可以幫忙解決.
(20 點, 急)
回答 (3)
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係excel到按 "選選性貼上"
2010-05-06 23:39:50 補充:
係excel2到right kick "選選性貼上"
2010-05-07 14:52:10 補充:
我跟住你的方法去做, 都係唔得呀 ( T_T )"
2010-05-07 11:34:24 補充:
Rugia兄, 都係唔得, 我係copy 一個cell 的數字 only
The easy way to fix this problem
Create a new excel "workbook"
Copy your existing file to the new workbook and see how it goes you should able to copy those new data across to the other sheet now.
The problem might cause by your original file corrupted.
Hope the information help!
收錄日期: 2021-04-19 22:12:28
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