Can you check this sentence for me ? Thanks!?

2010-05-05 12:22 pm
Hey I'm not English native and I wanted to know if this sentence is correct, I belive it doesn't sound that good !

"is off to see her friends that she hasn't seen since she left the UK..."

回答 (6)

2010-05-05 12:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Nope, improper. Try : She is off to see her friends, that she hasn't met, since she left UK.
2010-05-05 7:31 pm
"SEXY is off to see her friends that she hasn't seen since she left the UK...''
參考: me
2010-05-05 7:27 pm
i think this is going to be a facebook status or something?
if so, then yeah that's right!
2010-05-05 7:27 pm
She is off to see her friend who she hasn't seen since she left the United Kingdom (or uk).

hope that helps
參考: good at english
2010-05-05 7:32 pm
I would put

''She is off to see her friends and she hasn't seen since she left the UK......''

hope i could help!!
2010-05-05 7:25 pm
SHE is off to see her friends that she hasn't seen since she left the UK.
參考: me

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