White clouds vs. Orange clouds

2010-05-06 7:10 am
When I took sunrise pictures this morning, the clouds around the sun were orange. But when I actually took the pictures, the clouds came out white. If the whole picture came out white, then it’s over-exposure which is not in this case. It’s only the clouds around the sun came out white. I tried to adjust the white balance to shade, but then it turned out yellow. So how do I obtain that right orange color in the picture?

回答 (2)

2010-05-06 6:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1) White Balance 方面, 我會建議你用 AWB, 由相機先做決定。但拍攝時應該用 raw 去儲存, 返去執相果陣再用軟件 tune 返自己心目中想要的 white balance.

(2) 拍攝日出日落, 因為陽光會影響曝光的正確, 所以建議你測光時應該以周圍環境的光度去做"點測光", 而且應該以「減EV」(如你用半自動曝光模式)去拍攝, 會更容易保留所需要的天空 details.

以上只係我個人的做法, 因為我會後期執 wb, 光暗同對比等...
但起碼我可以捕捉果個 moment 果陣唔會有後顧之憂...
因為日出日落變化好大, 轉變好快,
2010-05-06 7:54 am

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