
2010-05-05 10:48 pm


回答 (3)

2010-05-06 2:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Proximal row is always unsatisfactory, many things are not smooth, good evil people around, a lot of temptations out, I stick to the principle of constant, the outcome of the microphone in exchange for marking time it should?, Life is always very So lonely,
I am an optimistic and easy to meet people. Of course understand that life is not always perfect, but everything may not be desirable, but I began to feel lost, but I'm not really that strong.
2010-05-08 12:50 pm
A lot of things are not going smoothly in the recent days. The people around me are very insidious, and there are tremendous amounts of temptations outside. I put my persistence in my own principle, is the outcome going to be at the originated point? Life always make people feel lonely. I am a person who is very optimistic and easy to be satisfied. Life is imperfect for sure, and cannot achieve full degree of satisfaction in every single things. I started to have a sense of loss, and I am not as strong as I had imagined.
2010-05-06 11:12 pm
I've been troubled and things are not going well these days. People I meet are cunning. There are many temptations all around. I continue to hold my ground. Will I end up staying in the same old same old at the end? Life is kind of lonely even though I'm an optimistic person. I understand, of course, life is not perfect, not everything goes your way; but I am beginning to loss sight of my direction, and I am not as tough as I think of me to be.


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