URGENT : phrasal verb n tense

2010-05-05 7:51 pm
我想知道tense and the phrasal的組合對不對,plz give me the ans if incorrect and plz also explain
Let down : to make someone or something unsuccessful by failing to achieve a good enough standard 使失望
Break down : to be unable to control your feelings and to start to cry / fail to work
Take down : to write something, especially something that someone says
Go down : to become worse in quality
Settle down : to become quiet and calm or to make someone do this 安靜下來/become used to a way of life or a new job定居下來/(to)to begin to give your attention to sth.定下心來做

(A)1Philip felt that he had let the team down when he missed the penalty.
(A)2Ann had broken down and started crying as she couldn’t answer any of the questions.
(A)3The students take down the main points of the lecture.
(A)4Vicky’s grades have gone down
(A)5After dinner she settled down to do her homework.

Pull over : stop
Hand over : pass
Take over : get control of
(B)1He pulled over to the side of the road to see where the light was coming from.
(B)2He hands over the card to Ann
(B)3He had taken over the company when his uncle died.

是否凡有這個組合”before going to”就會用past participle le? 還有going to是那個part of speech? 可否give me an example?

回答 (2)

2010-05-06 1:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
除了pull over的解釋不是stop而是駛埋一邊(當然要停下來),但這是個獨特名詞,所以只會用於駕車上。其他的解釋和例句都不錯,普遍地你都理解了。

before going to的going to基本意思有如will將會。但跟before going to的意思變為當正想xx前...發生了aa。所以要看aa和xx之間的時敘關係來決定用甚麼詞性。

最後的past cont. tense可能因為是在說故事,所以就算個情況是在故事裏的now現在進行,但是說故事的寫作規則全用past tense,因此變為past cont.
2010-05-05 9:16 pm
---let down has serveral meanings

To lower sth
To forsake
To disappoint someone (ur explanation)

---Break down (most common)

To lose control (ur explanation)
To have a physical or mental collapse.
To cease to function: The car broke down.
To itemize

--Take down
To move from a higher to a lower level or place.
To dismantle
To write down (ur explanation)

--Go down
To decrease as in amount or size
To descend or sink (ur explanation)
To suffer defeat
To be accepted or believed: This nonsense goes down as truth with many persons.

--Settle down
To become established in some routine (ur explanation)
To become calm or quiet (ur explanation)
To apply oneself to serious work (ur explanation)

--Pull over
Move out of a line of traffic

You explanation is wrong

--Hand over
To deliver into the custody of another
To surrender control of

You explanation is wrong

--Take over
To assume management or possession of or responsibility for (ur explanation)

It should not be asked why the explanation is wrong because the explanation corresonding to the phrase is determined by ancestors

'before going to' is not necessarily followed by past participle
'going to' is present participle

He finishes his lunch before going to have revision
He has finished his lunch before going to have revision
He had finished his lunch before going to have revision
指去溫書前已食完午餐 (在過去的時間,可能yesterday)

They were loading some of their ladders and tools into their old green truch now.

2010-05-08 21:37:19 補充:
now means present
so u should use present continuous tense, it is a must
參考: from dictionary.com

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