URGENT : phrasal verb n tense

2010-05-05 7:41 pm
我想知道tense and the phrasal的組合對不對,plz give me the ans if incorrect and plz also explain

Take over : 接管
Pull over :stop
Pull in : (of a train) to enter a station and stop
Hand over : pass/侈交
Bring in : to make or earn a particular amount of money/參與
Give in
(A)1OK. I give in. How do you work this digital camera?
(A)2My part-time job at the cinema only brings in about $100 a week.
(A)3He hands over the cord to Ann.
(A)4He took over the company when his uncle died.
(A)5My part-time job at the cinema only brings in about $100 a week.
(A)6He pulled over to the side of the road to see where the light was coming from
(A)7We got to the station just as the train pulled in.

Fall through : failed泡影
Look through : look at quickly
Go through : experienced經歷/examine in detail/accepted by
(B)1Sue had gone through a painful time when she got fired.
(B)2Their plans for opening a new branch felt through due to lack of money.
(B)3Why don’t you look through/go through the local paper for a vacancy?

我想confirm由A1 to A7 and B1 to B3 所填的phrasal verb and tense 對不對, 如不對, 請給正確答案.

回答 (2)

2010-05-05 9:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
-Take over
To assume management or possession of or responsibility for (ur explanation)

--Pull over
Move out of a line of traffic

You explanation is wrong

--Pull in
To reach a place (ur explanation)
To tighten

--Hand over
To deliver into the custody of another
To surrender control of

You explanation is wrong

--Bring in
To yield, as profits or income
To submit
To cause to operate or yield

Your explanation is wrong

--Give in
to acknowledge defeat; yield.
b. to hand in; deliver

--Look through
no such phrasal verb

--Go thorugh
To experience (ur explanation)
To examine or search carefully
To be successful
To use up

It should not be asked why the explanation is wrong because the explanation corresonding to the phrase is determined by ancestors

2010-05-06 19:23:24 補充:

如give in = to acknowledge defeat

OK. I give in. How do you work this digital camera
好。我讓步 = 不再堅持自己懂怎用這部數碼相機...

2010-05-06 19:24:45 補充:
參考: from dictionary.com
2010-05-06 9:37 am
其實gracomtey給你的答案已不錯, 我只想在此免點數的給你補充一些資料:
(A)Pull over--------'stop' is only partially correct as its true meaning is to move a car or vehicle to a specific place such as a road shoulder or curb so as not to obstruct the traffic.
(A) Bring in--------apart from meaning to yield, to produce, it also means to
submit,e.g., ' The jury brought in their verdict.' and to recommend or to introduce, e.g.' He brought in three new members last year.'.

(B)Go through-------Apart from other meanings, it is synonymous to' look
through ' , meaning someone looks all over the things carefully for what he wants.
(B)Look through-------it doesn't mean to look at quickly as the way you put
it ; it means(1) to look all over the things to find what he wants.(2) to read.
(3) to look at someone or somthing in such a manner as if you don't see
him or it at all for some reason.
參考: from relevant sources

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