句子 中轉英

2010-05-05 6:37 pm
請幫忙將句子 中轉英翻譯

1) 你地係時候要將個人櫃子拾好或搬遷。

回答 (6)

2010-05-05 9:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
HIGH TIME都講得出既~_~


It is the time for you to either clean up your lockers or to move out.

2010-05-06 22:58:57 補充:

我從未聽過個ENGLISH SPEAKING既西人會用HIGH TIME黎代表係時候~_~ 我諗係普通既CONVERSATION入面你咁講佢地一定O你咀~
2010-05-06 10:46 am
「It is high time xxxxxx」都OK的,「high」也可以解作「mature」,「high time」意譯的確係類似我地講「都係時候要」,不過我個人覺得中文的「你都係時候」係帶有命令語氣,而「It is high time xxxxx」較少用於命令式

2010-05-07 00:34:46 補充:

真係有「high time」呢個expression o既哩,我呢刻好難搵個西人出黎,但可以去住http://hk.dictionary.yahoo.com度search「high」呢個字,adjective的第六個example

2010-05-06 1:53 am
When you land lines to personal cabinet up or relocation.
2010-05-05 9:56 pm
1) 你地係時候要將個人櫃子拾好或搬遷。

1) When you are in line to pick up good or relocation of individual cabinets.
參考: --
2010-05-05 7:38 pm
It is the right time to tidy up your own wardrobe or even move it out.

櫃子可翻譯為 wardrobe(衣櫃) 、cabinet或cupboard。
參考: Myself
2010-05-05 6:56 pm
It is high time you tidied up (cleared out) your personal chest of drawers or moved it.

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