fsx gps 請高手教路......

2010-05-04 11:51 pm
我之前玩 FSX 時, GPS 會見到有條導向線 , 但係唔知點解現在冇左??? 有冇高手可以教下我點可以有返條導向線.........THANKS

回答 (2)

2010-05-08 3:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Not all airport have GPS data within FSX , especially small air field , you should using traditional Navigation equipment like (VOR , NDB ) approach which turning a right runway heading of the which to intercept, if both there are not such equipment , you must flight as Visual approach to the runway.
參考: myself
2010-05-06 2:46 am
玩 FSX 時,

如果你降落的機場 是vectors機場,便冇導向線。
例子:Hanimaadhoo Airport (VRMH)。

如果你降落的機場 是ILS機場,便有導向線。
例子:Hong Kong International Airport (VHHH)。

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