
2010-05-04 9:01 pm
想問吓首爾明洞,東大門一帶D經濟型住宿難唔難 BOOK?
walk in 易唔易租房?



回答 (3)

2010-05-08 3:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
l thought you booked City Park (you asked in another question).
Just go in City Park's site :
You can make your booking there but remember to cancel your original booking.

You may try the Korean traditional houses 韓屋 in InSaDong 仁寺洞 area (Anguk station 安國站). It is not peak season in May in Korea and you may walk in and get a room. Ask for hotel and Korean house information from the Tourist Inofrmation Centre at the entrance of InSaDong 仁寺洞. The staff there are very helpful. There is another bigger TIC in the middle of the street of InSaDong.

Usually there are lots of activities in InSaDong during and before Buddha's Birthday and you may ask for information of this from the TIC too.
2010-05-05 8:54 am
經濟型住宿最平都要$500一晚,除非住motel,即係好似hk D炮房咁,$200一晚都唔洗,好細同唔算衛生。去到先搵酒店,價錢一定俾係hk book 貴D架喎!你搵個D innostel 大部份都唔近遊客區,搭車都搭到悶呀!住世宗喇,真係方便好多,又舒適,$800一晚到。呢D錢真係唔慳得。
參考: 自已
2010-05-05 4:29 am
你最好在香港訂定酒店,因為東大門一帶D經濟型住宿通常都比香港、大陸批發客訂滿!我每個月都飛去一次,不過我住南大門那邊約五百幾 韓國錢80000 一晚。

2010-05-05 12:59:47 補充:

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