pls help to

2010-05-04 5:21 pm
同事 :This customer prefer receiving monthly statement by email.
Pls help to arrange.

我想答返佢 Attn to 及 有無email add?

回答 (3)

2010-05-04 7:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Please provide the customer's full name and e-mail address to consolidate into the mailing list.

註:可能在他的信中他已經連埋"this cutomer"給他的請求和個人資料,你可能要在附帶的e-mail或form或公司的database中自己找,他通知你冇理由乜料都冇的。做事有時要醒目啲,唔係叫番人轉頭會令人反感的。
2010-05-04 6:39 pm

2010-05-04 6:04 pm
can you send me his or her Email than I can add in email list.
參考: hope it help you

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