
2010-05-04 3:39 am
我一開始電腦打機都ok,但係愈打愈慢,電腦本身唔多野,係唔係因為d game愈出愈勁呢?有咩辨法可以整快d部電腦,如果要加ram,加幾多同市價幾多。如果唔關平請教我點整部電腦先可以快d呢。
電腦:Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4CPU 3.00GHz 3.01GHz 512MB RAM

回答 (4)

2010-05-04 8:03 pm
基本上2GB都沒問題!你可以去yahoo bid參考0下價錢!512MB二手價如果唔過$80都ok! Have a nice day!

2010-05-04 12:07:02 補充:
參考: myself
2010-05-04 8:30 am

2010-05-04 00:31:58 補充:
2010-05-04 6:33 am
P4 3.0G 512MB Ram < < <

You could use this 04' config PC to play games, it means you just need to play entry stage 3D game on your PC!!! Then buy a new PC might not be necessary...

You could consider to upgrade your PC by -

1. +1GB ram ($300)

2. display card HD3650 ($430) if necessary
2010-05-04 5:58 am
As your hardware information its a minium requirement for the game which design on today.

I don't think the motherboard you using now can support the latest CPU, DDR3 RAM & VGA card.

If you really want to play the game and want it smooth, its better to change a new computer to enjoy the game performance and effect honestly.

It's only my advise.

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 22:04:57
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