URGENT : phrasal verb

2010-05-04 1:24 am
我想知道get over and come over 的分別,字典上的其中一個意思差不多,不知怎樣填?
get over : be shocked or surprised that something if real or true

come over : affect mentally in such a way as to change behaviour (possibly related to overcome)

1a) I don’t know what had gotten over me, but I started shaking like a leaf! or
1b) I don't know what had taken over me, but I started shaking like a leaf!

2a) It took her quite a long time to come over the shock. or
2b) It took her quite a long time to get over the shock.


回答 (2)

2010-05-04 2:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
get over 一般指「克服」某一困難或心理關口[2(b)]。未有聽過表示shock[1(a)];另外非描寫情緒的get over是解作跨越一些阻礙或真實的牆。

come over[1(b)]是表示受到一些情緒上的張力,成個人不受控,如驚慌、恐懼等。但跟over come並不是同義,是反義,over come是克服或受控。come over在非phrase verb表示情緒時是指「過來」,但over come是沒有另一個解釋

在某一些情況下兩個詞是差不多,你不用太介意,細微的分別在當情緒出現(come over)時是主動性多一點(get over)表示積極地克服著還是被動性多一點(over come)讓情況好轉帶著走。
2010-05-04 3:33 am
can't /couldn't get over something= used to say that you are very surprised, shocked or amused by something.
e.g. I can't get over how well you look.
Question 2 Ans. (b)

take over = to take control of something
what had taken over me = what had taken control over me. = I had no/ lost control over myself.

Question 1 Ans. (b)

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