ref.letter 寫給自己辭職而工作表現滿意的同事,應該點寫給這位員工呢?
回答 (2)
段落(1): 寫 名, id, postition, 工作日期, 等簡單介紹段落(2): 工作內容作較詳細的介紹段落(3): 總結 + 人品/性格介紹 + 推薦 or 不推薦 例子如下:
To whom it may concern:(1) Mr. / Miss XXX was
employed in our office as Staff Assistant from Jan 2002 - May 2010. XXX did an excellent job in
this position and was an asset to our organization during her tenure
with the office. (2) He / She has excellent written and verbal communication
skills, is extremely organized, can work independently and is able to
follow through to ensure that the job gets done. (3) XXX was always willing to offer her assistance and had an excellent
rapport with the many constituents served by our office including
clients, employers, and other professional organizations. She would be
an asset to any employer and I recommend her for any endeavor she
chooses to pursue.
Yours truly,ZZZ
ABC Company
收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:13:53
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