Math Permutation&Combination

2010-05-02 3:57 pm
1. The coach from a soccer team of 15 players must select 11 players for the
start of a game.

(a) Of the 11 players he must select 1 player as the field captain. How many
ways can the coach make these selections?

(b) Before the game all players line up in a straight line for a team photograph. If 2 players, Peter and Tom must be together, then how many different
arrangements can be made for the picture?

2. Which term in the expansion of (1/2x^3 - x^5) ^8 is a constant?

回答 (2)

2010-05-02 5:13 pm
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2010-05-02 09:14:03 補充:
2010-05-05 11:40 pm

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