Foray into 既用法

2010-05-02 8:39 am
因為好難係字典查到呢個字, 就算查到都唔詳細
我想知呢個字既解釋同埋例子.. thanks ; )

回答 (1)

2010-05-02 3:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Foray into (noun, (C)) =
1) a short attempt at doing a particular job or activity, especially one that is very different from what you usually do.改變職業後,剛開始從事/嘗試一項新工作/活動; 初次涉足
e.g. John is about to make his first foray into the music business.

2) a short sudden attack by a group of soldiers especially in order to get food or supplies. (=raid)侵略,攻擊;突襲
Our soldiers made their nightly forays into enemy territory.

3) a short journey somewhere in order to get something or do something
(= a trip) 短旅程;短途尋物
e.g We make a weekend foray to/into France to buy wine.

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