f4 account disposal

2010-05-02 8:24 am
On 1 jan 2006, which was the first day of a financial day of a financial year, T Young bought a computer for $9500 cash. he also paid $500 for installation and $1000 for the annual maintenance fee. the computer was to be depreciated by the straight-line method at an annual rate of 20 per cent, ignoring salvage value.
on 1 jan 2009 , the computer was sold for $4250 in cash.

想問: 1)Provision for depreciation 個account 係2009 年係唔係淨係( Cr)balance b/d 同埋 (Dr)disposal $6000 ?

2) profit and loss account 2009 年係唔係淨係 (CR) disposal $250?

3) balance sheet 2009 年點做?

回應一下anchel, 多謝你既回答, 不過我想問問balance sheet extract : non current asset 既2009應該點? 一開頭仲洗唔洗寫computers at cost? 之後再-埋provision for depreciation?

回答 (1)

2010-05-02 5:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) 你先計下Computer個cost係幾多, $9,500當然要計, $500係Capital expenditure要加落$9,500入面. $1,000係支出, 每年放入P/L. Depreciation係根據$10,000(9,500+500)去計, 而每年折舊係$2,000(10,000 x 0.2), 3年就累績了$6,000. 做Disposal時候要清走要賣走的fixed asset的所有provision for depreciation, 所以Dr: Pro. for dep. $6,000 Cr: Disposal $6,000. 無一個account係叫balance b/d, balance b/d係將上個period既數帶落的意思. 因為你每年要Dr: Depreciation expenses Cr: Pro. for dep., 你Pro. for dep.每年的b/d都一定要在credit side. 如果你c/d同b/d都唔記得點做, 請溫返書.
2) Cost $10,000 Acc dep. $6,000 Cash $4,250 Profit on disposal=$250 [4,250-(10,000-6,000)]. Profit on disposal要帶落P/L account當收入, Dr: Disposal, Cr: Profit and loss. 你唔明可以劃個Disposal a/c慢慢諗, 左邊係Cost, 右邊係Cash及Accumulated depreciation, profit/loss係兩邊差額, 個account一定要平, 你用返double entry概念去劃.
3. balance sheet係顯示你財政年最尾一日的狀況. 因為部Computer已經唔起公司, 所以如果09年12月31日Trial Balance裡面的Office Equipment未減電腦的cost, 你做balance sheet時要減$10,000, 連帶的$6,000 acc. dep.都要減.

2010-05-03 09:39:06 補充:
其實Computer係歸入Office Equipment. 如果公司只係得個部Disposal, 你2009年個Balance Sheet係唔會有電腦個筆數, 以及相關折舊. 但如果公司係有好多Office Equipment, 例如公司Office Equipment總值$100,000(含Disposal $10,000)及累績折舊$50,000 (含$6,000 disposal). 你做Balance Sheet就要勾走所有Disposal金額, 所以2009年的Balance Sheet就係寫Office Equipment $90,000, 累積折舊$44,000.

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 22:04:59
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