Can you suggest a reason for how I am feeling?

2010-05-01 9:31 pm
I am feeling depressed which I am on medication for, but over the past few months I have been having sensations on my body where I feel like someone is touching me. This has gradually been getting worse and it is really unpleasant even though I know there's nothing physically wrong. I am nervous to explain to my nurse in case she thinks I am mad!

回答 (3)

2010-05-07 4:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Explain to the nurse. It is a side affect of the medicine and needs to be reported.

Don't worry.

Then they will change the medicine for you and you will begin to feel better quite soon.
2010-05-01 9:35 pm
It might be a side effect to the medication you are, it might be hullcinations that you recieving phsically,
Your nurse will not think you are mad, she is trained in the area of which you are recieving help, so she has probably heard it all before!
I hope you overcome your feelings of depression, its not nice for anyone to feel, chin up ey! Good luck x
2010-05-01 9:34 pm
SSRI's have a rare side effect at least for me where it increases your sensation. Thus a wind blow could feel like someone brushing you. Something just brushing your skin can feel like someone touching you and so should say something to your nurse they might want to change adjust or stop your medication

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