The usage of [hands-on]?

2010-05-02 7:07 am
Hi, everyone. Is me again to ask another grammar related question. This time is above the usage of the phrase [hands-on]

Thumbing through a dictionary, I find that this phrase is an adjective meaning [active participation] and [particle experience]

eg: He is a hands-on manager

However, I come across a sentence that really confounds me.

[I would starve myself until I could not stand it anymore and then eat every thing I could get my hands on.]

My question is what the usage of [my hands on] in this sentence is. It seems like an adverb to add more information the sentence only. But, as I said above, [hands-on] is an adjective by definition. So...

What is the use of this confusing phrase?


回答 (2)

2010-05-06 10:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
你諗複雜左,把句子斬錯位。這句中的 hands on 並不是一個 phrase,而是咁岩兩字並排。

I would starve myself until I could not stand it anymore and then eat everything I could get my hands on.
I would starve myself until I could not stand it anymore. And then I would eat everything I could get my hands on.
I would eat everything I could get my hands on.

Get my hands on something 是一個 expression,意思是 access something。

I would eat everything I could get my hands on.
I would eat everything I could access.
I would eat everything that I could access.

Can get my hands on X,像伸手能觸及 X,即找得到、摸得到、拿得到、買得到等等,一般是再 agressive 和再 desperate 一點的,連搶得到、偷得到、爭得到等等也包括在內。全句是:


He is a hands-on manager 他是一個落手落腳、親力親為,不是得巴口,的 manager。
2010-05-02 8:25 am
rabbit_cony:Please note the following examples,

She has a necklace (of gold).-------'of gold' is an adjective phrase.
She has a necklace (which is made of gold).-------' which is made of gold 'is an adjective clause beause it has a subject( which) and a predicate(is made of gold).
Similarly in your sentence, " I would starve myself until I could not stand it anymore( or any longer )and then eat everything I could get my hands on."
everything I could get.", (which) I could get my hands on is an adjective
'everything I could get my hands on' = 'everything I could get hold of '
參考: my English knowledge

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