
2010-05-02 1:06 am
I chose not to turn up on wednesday during tutorial time because I have two EDCP assignments due on thursday(one of them is re-do for certain groups), not to mention another class test on monday. I didn't have enough time to revise maths at all. That's why I decided to stay home and finish off my assignments rather than (定instead of?) attending a test which I had no confidence in getting high grades (加at?) . However, i'd like your consent (定permission?) to do the make-up test in week14.




你誤會左喇....MONDAY果個係PHYSICS TEST. 寫去要求做GE先係MATH GE MAKEUP TEST 仲有我GE設定係WEDNESDAY當日...EDCP ASSIGNS係DUE THURSDAY,, 咁GE情況弄我都要用 had two EDCP assignments due on thursday (one was an assignment to be resubmitted) PAST TENSE>?


好感謝2位^^ 不過第一位回答者: 我句rather than attending a test which I had no confidence in getting high grades 比起你句attending a test that had no confidence of getting high grades 正常D wor! 你果句有d意味不明..你肯定?


感謝幾位回答者~~~^^ 唔知點揀好所以交比投票~

回答 (3)

2010-05-02 1:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
I chose not to turn up on wednesday during tutorial time because I have had two EDCP assignments due on thursday (one was an assignment to be resubmitted), not to mention the Maths test on monday. I didn't have enough time to revise maths at all. That's why I decided I therefore decided to stay home to finish my assignments rather than (定instead of? both are correct but instead of is preferred) attending a test which that had no confidence in of getting high grades (加at? Not necessary.) .However , In this connection , i'd like to seek your consent (定permission? Permission is better.) to do have the make-up test in week14.

I shaded those incorrect words in yellow followed by the correction in red.

2010-05-02 06:06:35 補充:
that 'I' before 'had' was deleted accidentally and should be reinstated.

You had confidence in something and had confidence of doing something.

2010-05-02 06:41:19 補充:
Sorry, I make a mistale. 'in' should be better in your case.
2010-05-02 8:29 am
I chose not to turn up the tutorial on wednesday because I have two EDCP assignments due on thursday, of which one is to re-do for certain groups, without mentioning the Physics test on monday. I didn't have enough time to revise Maths at all. That's why I decided to stay home to finish off my assignments rather than attend a test where I was not confident of getting high grades. However, I ask for your permission to have a make-up test in Week 14.

以上如有誤解或誤改, 還望發問者賜教! 謝謝!
2010-05-02 2:56 am
1. "...because I had two ECDP...",因為前面用 past tense。或者你將佢拆開兩句,例如:I have two EDCP... Therefore I chose not to...

2. rather than 和 instead of 都可以

3. " getting high grades." 不用加 at。

4. 看來這篇東西是寫給老師的,所以我認為用 permission 比 consent 好些。

5. week14 應改為 week 14。

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