
2010-05-01 11:05 pm


回答 (6)

2010-05-02 12:32 am
✔ 最佳答案

I am not to lose to you.I am not to be beaten by you.
2010-05-05 1:32 am
主要都係唔清楚語氣,如果串串貢咁講,就咁一句「Not a chance」或者「you don't have a chance」都夠表達

正經地說就「I am not to lose to you」或類似的phrase就是了(pls refer to eicachan, diverseman2007 and ppluihk),記住lose在這裡用作intransitive verb (in infinitive form),以「lose to xxx」來表達輸給誰

「I lose you」是港式英語,「I lose to you」就是正確的英語了

2010-05-06 10:48:33 補充:
2010-05-02 8:47 am
上面好多港式英文呀!!!! HELP!!!

You cannot beat me.

I will not let you to take over me.

You cannot take over me.

2010-05-05 15:00:17 補充:

•I am not to lose to you.
•I am not to be beaten by you.

在I am not 後面要加 GOING 架~ 咩叫I am not to loose to you? 你講出黎都唔順啦~_~ HK ENGLISH到嘔......
2010-05-02 12:46 am
相對 I won't lose to you,用 I am not going to lose to you 比較有決心做到。
2010-05-02 12:40 am
I will not lose to you.

2010-05-02 09:45:49 補充:
David : I'm from Missouri . I have your numbers.
2010-05-01 11:39 pm
"I will
not lose you."
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