貿易 流程 新手問題

2010-05-01 8:11 am
我是一間新開貿易公司, 也是一個新手,近來客人要開L/C俾我買貨。

假設有A,B,C 3間公司
運送方式: 船運 (由A直接運到B)
付款方式: 信用狀 (LC) 由A開出,B TRANSFER部分給C,剩下為自己利潤。

我是中間人(即B), 我唔想買賣雙方知道自已中間賺了多少,而且儘量令買賣雙方不能以後直接交易,亦唔想向雙方透露大家既資料。

問題1:LC交易中,A和C的資料會被對方知道嗎? 如會,如何解決?
問題2: 出入口時報稅時既價錢會被買家知道嗎? 如會,如何解決?

回答 (2)

2010-05-03 8:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
問題1:LC交易中,A和C的資料會被對方知道嗎? 如會,如何解決?

方法有兩種 :
1) 收到客人L/C 後, 再將這張L/C 轉開出去, 叫TRANSFER L/C. 咁樣你就可以唔駛自己另開一張L/C 啦 ! D資料當然實會岩啦 ! 你亦唔駛有咩抵押俾銀行. 不過, 唔好既野就係你客人好易知道真正既SUPPLIER, 有可能佢唔經你買貨.
2) 收到客人L/C後, 你自己另開一張L/C, 叫BACK TO BACK L/C. 跟住你跟據返你原本既L/C 開出貨物資料及要求. 咁樣你就可以無咁容易俾你個客人知道真正SUPPLIER 既資料啦 ! 不過, 唔好處係你要有信貸額或抵押俾銀行, 先可以開到呢張L/C. 補充多一句, back to back L/C 其實可以話同你原本O係客人開出俾你既L/C, 可以話係完全無關係, 係兩份獨立既L/C 嚟架 !

你要開邊種, 就要睇你點取捨啦 !! 不過, 你係新公司開始做生意, 確實好難可以O係BANK 度攞到佢俾你既信貸額, 除非你有層樓做抵押俾BANK 啦 !

問題2: 出入口時報稅時既價錢會被買家知道嗎? 如會,如何解決? 香港係FREE PORT, 在香港出口或入口一般貨物係唔需要俾稅架 !
我唸你問題係講緊大陸既出入口稅啦 !
答案係, 你客人係唔會知道大陸既稅金總額架 !

再有問題, 歡迎EMAIL 再問我.
2010-05-02 7:57 am
I was an approver of LC issuance in a bank. Before answering, u hv to know:

A) Goods flow: Shipment should be directly from A to C, not A to B. If you want to ship from A to B then from B to C, u hv to use Back-to-Back LC (BBLC) instead.

B) Documents flow: The shipping documents, however, is from A's bank to B's bank, then from B's bank to C's bank. As the Middleman B, your Bank B will allow u to only substitute yr own "INVOICE" and "DRAFT". Other documents (e.g. Packing List, insurance cover etc) cannot be substituted. If u want more flexibility to really "HIDE" everything from the buyer C, u have to use BBLC. Of course, issuing BBLC usually requires bank trade credit facilities.

C) Money flow: from C's bank to B's bank. B's bank will pay A's bank and the remaining profit will go to B's account.

So, your question:

1) Theorectically, after you substituted your invoice and draft at yr bank (bank B), there should not be any info. But, the "master LC" (the original LC from A to B) may require MORE than invoice and draft. For instance, if LC calls for packing list, and if the packing list has C's name on it, A will know C's presence, and yr bank will not let you substitute packing list. Also, different banks have different practices in issuing LC & transfer LC. They may call for a condition requesting the shipper (C in this case) to NOTIFY the end buyer (A) within a certain period after shipment. In this case, A will know C and C will know A. Again, if you want to completely isolate A & C, you should use BBLC.

2) It depends. If the original LC calls for some tax documents, it may let the buyer know. Also, apart from tax matter, INSURANCE will also reveal C's price. If the original LC's shipment terms is CIF, the supplier is required to pay for marine cargo insurance. In this case, the insurance cover will reveal the original amount of goods. A better way to prevent this is to ask the original buyer A to issue an LC that only calls for FOB shipment terms.

Good luck!

2010-05-01 23:59:15 補充:


A)商品流量:貨物應直接從 A至C,而不是A到B,如果你想從 A到B船,然後從 B到C,你必須使用BBLC代替。

b)文件流程:船務文件,但是,從 A銀行向B銀行,再從 B銀行對 C銀行。作為中間人乙,您的銀行 B將只允許代替你自己的“發票”和“草案”。其他文件(如裝箱單,保險等)不可替代的。如果你想要更多的靈活性,以真正“隱藏”一切從買方 C,您必須使用BBLC。當然,發行 BBLC通常需要銀行的貿易信貸。

c)以貨幣流量:從 C的銀行到B銀行。 B的銀行將支付的銀行,其餘的利潤將前往乙的帳戶。

2010-05-01 23:59:45 補充:

1)理論上,當您取代您的發票和匯票在您的銀行(銀行乙),不應該有任何信息。不過,“主信用證”(原立法會從 A到B)可能需要多個發票和匯票。例如,如果信用證要求裝箱單,裝箱單,如果有C的名字在上面,一會知道C的存在,以及您的銀行不會讓你代替裝箱單。此外,不同銀行有不同的做法在轉讓信用證和簽發信用證。他們可能需要一個條件,要求托運人(C在這種情況下)通知買方結束(一)在一定期限內裝船後。在這種情況下,就知道C和C將知道答:同樣,如果你想完全孤立的A&C,你應該使用BBLC。

2010-05-01 23:59:57 補充:

參考: 銀行LC approver

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