
2010-05-01 8:04 am
請問persist 同 insist 有乜野分別?

請問 empathize同 sympathise有乜野分別??


回答 (1)

2010-05-01 7:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
persist 頑强地堅持, 執著地做= to continue to do something despite difficulties or opposition
(grammar) persist in something / persist in doing something
e.g. Why do you persist in blaming yourself for what happened?
She persisted in her search for the truth.

insist 堅決要求, 堅持 = to demand that something happens or that somebody agrees to do something.
(grammar)insist on something, doing something = to demand something and refuse to be persuaded to accept anything else堅决要求
She insisted on his wearing a suit.她堅持要求他穿西裝
insist on = 堅持說/ 固執已見
e.g She insisted on her innocence. 她堅說自己是無辜的。
persist in 自己堅持要做/承担一些困難的事
insist on 堅决要求他人做/為自己做有利益的事

empathize 有同感,產生共鳴, 表同情
empathize with somebody/ something= to understand another person's feelings and experiences, especially because you have been in a similar situation.
e.g My mother died last year so I can really empathize with what he is going through.

sympathise = to feel sorry for somebody to show that you understand and feel sorry about somebody's problems.同情
e.g I find it difficult to sympathise with him.

empathize 的同情帶有本身曾有相似经歷。

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