I want to teach a girl who knows only spanish enlglish. How do I do this?

2010-04-30 9:03 am
We met and hung out for 2 and half hours, all went well, not to hard, I know I decent amount of spanish, but its still a very small amount to me. It is hard for me to hear is spoken, but she spoke slowly for me, and we had to reference a dictionary a few times, she is very cute, and I think she is into me, how should I go about this? she speaks a little english and is in a class to learn it. I noticed the hardest thing to learn in enlish, is that there are many rules to reading and writing, where as in spanish, it is all phonetic. How can I help her learn english?

回答 (6)

2010-04-30 9:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
I would personally recommend that you begin by learning English yourself:-

2 and half hours?
not to hard?
I know I decent amount of spanish?
etc, etc, etc....
2010-04-30 9:44 pm
I speak both English and Spanish. I can assure you that English is very much easier than Spanish.All languages are phonetic however the spelling is not always phonetic.Spelling in Spanish makes more sense than in English but even Spanish is not spoken exactly as written.The vowels have at least 2 sounds ,the-O- has 3 . B,V,LL and Y get mixed up a lot in writing.
The best way to help the girl is by writing and speaking good English.It will take a lot of time.
參考: abuelito.
2010-04-30 4:20 pm
i wouldnt just make her learn english. like, yeah, help her with her english, but learn some more spanish. meet halfway with her, and from there you can both continue to improve. who knows, u two could become bilingual together. haha :D
2010-04-30 4:15 pm
you need to arouse her interest, personal coaching is need for beginner to learn the technique and try not to go too hard on her first time, helps alot if you can illustrate with pictures. ;)
2010-04-30 4:14 pm
You could learn spanish yourself/improve it, and then you can teach her, but not if your spanish is not good enough, or just send her to a school to learn english, spanish and english do have correlations. Spanish speakers tend to be able to learn english quite easily.
2010-04-30 4:06 pm
you can just help her to practice her English. but as you say English is so difficult, you could also work on your Spanish, that might be more beneficial at least in the short run.

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