英文grammar problemsss

2010-05-01 4:11 am
" i dont care if you dont care" and " if you dont care, then i dont care"
why not " i will not care if you dont care" and " if you don't care, then i will not care" ??
are those conditional sentences? or "if" just means " whether" ??
" i hope you had the time of your life" any grammar mistake?
as teacher said " wish" plus past tense ( imagination, contional sentence type 2)
and " hope" plus future tense ( conditional sentence type 1)

ps : the sentences above are the lyrics. is that the reason of using present tense
instead of future tense??

回答 (1)

2010-05-01 6:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Both are correct.

They are conditional sentences.

It is gramatically correct.

Sometimes, using present tense is better in lyrics to fit the notes.

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