
2010-04-30 11:24 pm
大約GBP 180-200一晚,唔該~!!!!@@

回答 (3)

2010-05-04 8:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
UK, London ~ easyHotel Earls Court
42-48 West Cromwell Road, London, SW5 9QL

係倫敦啲酒店真係好貴,不過你既budget可以有更好既選擇,我之前係easyhotel訂咗間係no window既small room,唔駛GBP90一晚,只係用黎瞓覺真係唔錯架,乾淨企理,係細咗啲同無電視睇啫,如果想睇電視可以另加錢租remote就ok啊!
參考: 粒粒玲子
2010-05-02 1:57 pm
can also check out easy hotel...
super small room though, but cheap and great location!

if u want more information about uk, feel free to ask me via email:
[email protected]

i used to live in london, so my advises could help :)
2010-05-01 12:21 am
Radisson Edwardian 4* in Leicester Sq. china town ,Leicester sq & Piccadilly Circus stations all within 5 mins walking distance.
or 4* with super view of tower of london is Tower a Gruoman .tower hill station is 5 mins away. www.booking.com

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