
2010-04-30 10:47 pm


回答 (3)

2010-05-03 4:41 am
Most importantly, you must mention that cow and beef are joint-supply. An increase in the supply of cow will lead to an increase in beef supplied, 回答這問,必要提及牛與牛肉兩者的關係。牛與牛肉是聯合供應。牛供應增加, 牛肉供應量增加。相反牛供應減, 牛肉供應量減。
此部份是前言 As introduction or exploantion: if the price of beef increase, the quantity supplied of beef will increase, According to law of supply, as price increases , quantity supplied will increase. as the supplier will get more profit.Therefore on the same supply curve of beef, it shows that when price increases from Po to P1, quantity supplied increases from Qso to Qs1, movement along the same supply curve.先說牛肉供應量的變化。根據供應定律, 價格升, 供應量增。牛肉圖只有供應(或供給)線一條, Po 上升至P1, 供應量Qdo 增至Qd1。
Answer 重點解說 As cow and beef are joint supply, more beef is supplied, when price increases, that means at the same time, more cows to be slaughtered for beef are demanded by beef wholesalers. demand for cow thus increases.
On a separate diagram for cow, as demand for cow increases, demand curve shifts to the right. Supply curve remains unchanged. An increase in demand causes the new equilibrium price of cow to increase from PEo to PE1, and quantity supplied of cow increases from Qso to Qs1. more quantity of cow supplied.牛肉價升, 牛肉供應量升, 牛肉供應商要增購牛作屠宰。牛需求增, 用一新圖解答牛的供求。因牛需求上升,需求曲線右移, 但牛供應曲線不變,牛的新均衡價格由PEo 升至PE1, 牛的供應量由Qso 增至Qs1。

To conclude, supply of cow remains unchanged, but the quantity supplied of cow increases.總結, 牛的供應不變, 牛的供應量上升。
2010-04-30 11:45 pm
噤就要睇下係咩FACTOR 影響牛肉的價格上升LA....
如果係因為多左人中意食牛肉,因DEMAND 增加使PRICE 上升的話...可能會多左人養牛(SUPPLY 上升至MR=MC)(因為有利可圖MA),但係如果係因為 經營成本上升(E.G 運輸成本),噤令PRICE 上升的話(SHIFT個BURDEN 比消費者),就同牛既PRICE 冇咩關係,不過因為經營成本上升,可能會令少左人養牛比人食,令SUPPY 下降,而令牛肉PRICE 上升~
參考: 自己~
2010-04-30 11:15 pm

參考: 自己

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