Start a sentence with "of"?

2010-04-30 5:42 pm
I would like to know if we can construct a sentence beginning with "of".
I have surfed the Internet and some suggest that it is grammatically correct to start a sentence with "of" as they treat 'of' as a 'conjunction'.

eg1: "Of the top ten languages in the world, the least widely spoken is French"
eg2: Because I have no money, I have to work.

In the above examples, undoubtedly, 'because' is a sub-ordinate conjunction. However, I was taught that 'of' is a preposition in lieu of a conjunction, so... can we really use "of" in this way to start a sentence?

回答 (2)

2010-04-30 7:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The sentence is correct and we can put 'of' at the beginning of a sentence.
For emphatic purpose, 作強調寫法,we put what we want to stress/ emphasize at the beginning of a sentence 放於句子前. It can be a noun, an adverb, an adverb phrase, a prepositional phrase etc.In your example, "of the top ten languages in the world"在十種最常用的語言中, is a prepositional phrase. "of the"= 在.(幾.個)....之中
Another way of expression the same idea can be : French is the least widely spoken language of the top ten languages in the world. In this example, we want to emphasize French, so "French" is put at the beginning of a sentence.
e.g. Of all the subjects in school, I like English best.
In he came.
Beautifully she sings
Tired, he went to bed early.
2010-04-30 6:05 pm
Yes the sentence "Of the top ten..." is correct.

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