Start a sentence with "of"?

2010-04-29 4:23 pm
I would like to know if we can construct a sentence beginning with "of".
I have surfed the Internet and some suggest that it is grammatically correct to start a sentence with "of" as they treat 'of' as a 'conjunction'.

eg1: "Of the top ten languages in the world, the least widely spoken is French"
eg2: Because I have no money, I have to work.

In the above examples, undoubtedly, 'because' is a sub-ordinate conjunction. However, I was taught that 'of' is a preposition in lieu of a conjunction, so... can we really use "of" in this way to start a sentence?

回答 (4)

2010-04-29 6:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Of all the things I have ever seen, the Grand Canyon is the most amazing
2010-04-29 4:26 pm
Of all the people on Yahoo Answers, Mr. Sonny is the nicest.
2010-04-29 4:25 pm
Of course.
2016-11-07 2:12 pm
Sentence With Of

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