英文grammar問題~ 急急急!!!

2010-04-30 2:28 am
this solution depends on the top management decisions on balancing the importance of benefits and costs

我想講呢個solution係depends on 高層衡量過好處及代價後而作出既選擇


回答 (6)

2010-05-01 1:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
補充那句雖然文法仍有問題,你細心看會發覺關鍵的as (it) ...,但前面卻是solutionS. IT = THE SOLUTION

This is no definite solution to this argument as it depends on the top management decisions "after" balancing the importance of benefits and cost.

已順手改埋第一句唯一的問題是"on" balancing. on balancing看似是解「在於平衡...」,本身沒有錯,但意思上對照那個最終「決定」是「在於...」便顯得不是由平衡之後作出的決定,而是那決定是這種平衡程序。這是由於中文原本思想上的語病所致,不單要學習英文,還要從中文思考重整。英文是應該用"after",在平衡benefits與costs之後才能作出一個decision。


A solution is to this argument is to be found after (或upon) top management due consideration between benefits and costs.

A and B兩句都沒錯,要看是現在進行當中的描述(相對全個情況),還是在講述一種永恆真理。但如果是表達某一現象是由於A and B的互為影響所致,則可能會用上past tense或把influence改為是noun.
It is because A & B influenced one another,...
It is due to the influence of A & B on one another, ...

Note: one another 這裏用 each other亦可以。但有時有些比較不能,一般而言兩樣東西會用each other,三樣以上的東西才會用one another.
2010-04-30 3:56 pm


2010-04-30 1:50 pm
2010-04-30 5:30 am

1. importance of benefits and costs可以tradeoff代替

2. 你想表達該高層決定係得出的solution係必然關係,但depends唔能夠完全表達呢個意思,應用「is resulted from」或「is the direct consequence of」之類

3. 20:29:25補充那句文法正確

4. 20:34:43那個視及語勢,如果係普通敍述,兩句都正確。如果要emphatic就可以用「A and B do influence each other」
2010-04-30 3:17 am
你這句沒錯,但也可寫成 This solution depends on the top management decisions on prioritizing benefits and costs.
2010-04-30 2:51 am
This is what I think.

After top management has balanced the importance of benefits and costs, this solution is ( produced or aprove).

( ): the choice is depend on your sentence

I hope this can help you.
參考: me

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