
2010-04-29 8:23 pm

回答 (2)

2010-04-29 11:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果係香港學生through JUPAS咁入,無論咩大學,咩學科都係HK$ 42,100 .


There are differential composition (tuition) fees for local and non-local students. For local students, the composition fee for the academic year 2009-2010 is HK$42,100. The fee for 2010-2011 has yet to be decided on Government's advice, but we do not expect it to differ significantly from the current fee. Non-local students are persons entering Hong Kong for the purpose of education with a student visa/entry permit issued by the Director of Immigration. For non-local students, the composition fee for the academic year 2010-2011 will be HK$100,000.
In addition to the composition fee, all new students must pay a deposit of HK$350 known as 'caution money'. If there are no claims against the caution money, it will be used to pay their HK$350 graduation fee upon graduation, or will be refunded if they leave the University before graduation.
All new students will also have to pay an entrance fee of HK$100 to the Students' Union and an annual subscription of HK$140. These fees may be revised upwards.
參考: 自己
2010-05-08 10:15 pm
香港是比外國特別, 所有官方津貼大學, 如由juspus入學, 則無論選任何科學費是劃一收費的.現時收費是HK$42500/年, 加些什費.

非由JUSPAS或非本地學生收費則超十萬. 但無論多少錢, 老兄根本不必為錢而擔心; 因全世界大學 (除國內)都不容許大學因學生無錢繳費而退學, 醫科生更甚, 祗擔心讀不上而已.

在下曾听一國內學生考醫科-- 港大或中大醫科. 他被中大取錄, 但却申訴學費太低不合理. 原來他考入醫科後, 很多机構給他收獎學金和生活費是以學費倍數為依據; 單中大已超20萬, 馬會...李嘉城基金......總數超百萬. 故你根本不須為錢而擔心, 而用功全力以赴吧.

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