
2010-04-29 7:48 pm

***各位, 我要的是正確英文.. 什麼不懂英文人事, 勿進***
***本人非不懂英文之人, 會仔細評鑑你們的回報***

回答 (4)

2010-04-29 8:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
May I wish you all the best in the future.
參考: nil
2010-04-30 9:40 pm

Wishing you all the best & every sucess for the days to come.
參考: self
2010-04-29 8:17 pm
I wish you plain sailing in the days and years to come.
I wish you every success in the days and years to come.
2010-04-29 8:16 pm

I wish that in the days to come all things will turn out the way you want them to be.

2010-04-29 12:18:22 補充:
Another one:
I wish that in the days to come all things will turn out the way you want.

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