Now that thousands of gallons of oil a day.....?

2010-04-29 6:20 am
Now that thousands of gallons of oil a day are being dumped in the gulf and soon will land on American beaches do the republicans still want to "drill baby drill" ?

For your information I live in a city with a nice public transportation system and the buses run on natural gas so lay your guilt trips on someone else:)


Paul S check out the current news a second leak was found and now they are revising how much oil is being dumped in the gulf.

更新3:;_ylt=AlWq7Gl1eFWQFBcm.I5MlIys0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTN1a2RhbjkwBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwNDI5L3VzX2xvdWlzaWFuYV9vaWxfcmlnX2V4cGxvc2lvbgRjY29kZQNtb3N0cG9wdWxhcgRjcG9zAzEEcG9zAzIEcHQDaG9tZV9jb2tlBHNlYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcnkEc2xrA25ld29pbGxlYWtpbg-- 42 gallons x 5000 = 21000 gallons yup as usual I was right the first time

回答 (15)

2010-04-29 6:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
As long as their corporate masters call for it they will try and convince their followers that it is the only way. They have no scruples.
2010-04-29 1:21 pm

It shouldn't surprise anyone either. They don't learn.
2010-04-29 1:21 pm
Yeah. We should be drilling instead of relying on other countries for oil when we have plenty of our own.
2010-04-29 1:26 pm
And repukes still didn't get it ...Look at the aggressive idiot Malkin,s clown "liberal nemesis".....Her answer is very characteristic ...LOL
2010-04-29 1:22 pm
Do you drive a car, ride the bus or take a cab? Is your tooth brush plastic? Do you have tupperware dishes? Say hello to it is your fault as well.
2010-04-29 1:24 pm
comon give this mega-corp a break their profits went way down after obama was elected, as well as oil prices, now they have another public relations nightmare as well as an environmental nightmare.
but drill baby drill will all ways be their cash cow, well the greedy ceo's anyway.
2010-04-29 1:27 pm
Republicans don't give a sh!t about the pollution. The old mighty buck is all they care about.
2010-04-29 1:34 pm
i noticed the stock prices have skyrocketed for Dawn Dish-washing Detergent.....

no worries~!
參考: me~!
2010-04-29 1:23 pm
Unless you have sold your car and bought a horse, you are a hypocrite
2010-04-29 1:31 pm
Yes, and here is why. No matter what restrictions we put on our own domestic oil companies, other nations are already drilling in the Gulf. Perhaps if we were not so restrictive, the existing oil platforms would not be over-worked. There is a lot of new technology available for off shore drilling but our own laws prohibit building new and safer platforms.

There is the potential for nuclear energy problems. How long have current plants been operating? When was the last time we built a new one? Over 40 years ago? This is the problem with the Left. They stop progress and then complain when things like this happen.

2010-04-29 1:25 pm
Pathetic argument.
2010-04-29 1:22 pm
republicans? hell, just last month barack obama reversed his view on drilling in the gulf. reminded me of that old song, "instant karma gonna get you..."
2010-04-29 1:22 pm
Hey man Obama brought that up,it is just something that Republicans have always been for,you know to help ween us off foreign oil.
2010-04-29 1:22 pm
Listen to me:

"Drill baby drill" is an incredibly simplistic and ignorant slogan, but the sunken rig is leaking maybe a few hundred gallons per day, not thousands. (Not counting the thousands that were lost while the well was out of control.)

The amount leaking from the bottom of the shore wellhead assembly can easily be contained by conventional measures. before it reaches shore.

The truth is America will NEVER be able to drill its way to energy independence as long as we rely on fossil fuels, but please try to have some respect for the 11 dead crew members of the Deepwater Horizon, OK?

source: Petroleum engineer with an inside source. Why do YA! stooges hate factual, informed answers?
2010-04-29 1:22 pm
Im a democrat and I wanna drill so I can keep my house warm. Also, why would you "dump" or waste those thousands of gallons of oil?

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