Who is your favorite Batman Villain (Besides The Joker)?

2010-04-29 2:22 am
The reason why I said no Joker is because everybody picks him he is extremely popular

Here is a list of Batman villains if you need help:

回答 (11)

2010-04-29 2:24 am
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Mr. Freeze
2010-04-29 2:56 am
Ra's al Ghul, but from the comics and the old animated series, not Batman Begins.

League of Assassins

2014-10-30 4:29 pm
Harley Quinn
2010-05-01 6:30 pm
riddler and two face
2010-04-30 9:38 am
Batman. He's a traumatised freak who dresses like a bat to scare people, while beating the crap out of them and screws up everyone's plans with military gadgets. He's tough and knows how to fight using ninja skills.
參考: I'm cool.
2010-04-29 3:24 pm
Oh, definitely Hush.
He's such an under-appreciated, lesser known villain, yet so important!
Tommy Elliot.
Bruce Wayne's childhood best friend!
Another 'rich kid'.
Killed his own parents--well, killed one of them. /Tried/ to kill them both.
When Thomas Wayne is able to save Tommy's mother(although she had severe injuries to her body, covered nearly entirely by bandages--like what is later to become Hush's 'costume') he is unable to forgive the Wayne family. He spends much of his youth taking care of his mother, while Bruce lives the life of a playboy.
Tommy's mother eventually dies and he becomes Hush. Over the years, Tommy became an incredibly skilled surgeon.
He knows that Bruce Wayne and Batman are the same.
Unlike the other villains, however, it is not the Batman that Hush wants to kill. It is Bruce.
Also, with his surgeon skills, he has altered his face(covered in bandages, to hide his face, and similar to his mother) to look exactly like Bruce's.
He is also highly intelligent.
I believe that of all the villains, Hush poses the most threat.
He knows Batman's identity!
Also, he is the mentor of the villain The Scarecrow.
As a child, Tommy was sent to a psyciatrist where he "attracted the interest of a young intern"... Jonathan Crane.
Hush is not even known by many comic books fans, unfortunately.
Although he had a arc called "Hush", his backstory was revealed in the "Heart of Hush" backstory.
Definitely my favourite.
2010-04-29 9:27 am
Poison Ivy. She's like an evil rolemodel for redheads & the female variation of Ra's Al Ghul. I think Hush & Red Hood have the most potential & I'd really like them to freaking do something with the Mad Hatter.
2010-04-29 3:27 am
Killer Croc
The Ventriloquist
2010-04-29 3:21 am
2010-04-29 2:39 am
So maybe she crosses into anti-villain territory fairly often, but Catwoman is my favorite, including the Joker. I like the femme fatale who has her own sense of right and wrong, and can back it up, and I can't argue with Selena's particular views too much. Ivy, Penguin, Two-Face, and the Joker and Harley are up there, but Catwoman steals the show for me. (As long as they don't attempt to give her her own franchise.)

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