Who was Lilith in the BIble? Any supporting docs?

2010-04-28 3:55 pm

回答 (11)

2010-04-28 3:57 pm
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Lilith is a legendary creature that appears in many creation myths. She has many origins with many variations on her name and common themes of infertility and unabated lust. For the most part she is considered a succubus, a powerful demonic creature who seduces men and sometimes eats children but has even appeared as a screech owl.

The Book of Isaiah 34:14, describing the desolation of Edom, is the only possible occurrence of Lilith in the Hebrew Bible.

The screech owl translation of the KJV is without precedent, and apparently together with the "owl" (yanšup, probably a water bird) in 34:11, and the "great owl" (qippoz, properly a snake,) of 34:15 an attempt to render the eerie atmosphere of the passage by choosing suitable animals for difficult to translate Hebrew words. It should be noted that this particular species of owl is associated with the vampiric Strix of Roman legend. This possibly evolved from the early 5th century Vulgate Bible of the Christian Church, which translated the same word as Lamia instead.[
2010-04-28 10:58 pm
Lilith is not in the bible
2010-04-28 10:57 pm
Lilith isn't mentioned in the Bible. And PLEASE don't ask me to show you where her name isn't! ;-}
2010-04-28 11:06 pm
She doesn't appear the bible, but does appear in some other Hebrew mythology, and in earlier versions of the Hebrew myth.

Lilith was the first mate that god created for Adam, but she refused to be subservient to him, and so was banished.

Eventually, she evolved into a demon, in Hebrew mythology.

She was originally Chaldian, IIRC, as was the jewish creation myth.
2010-04-28 10:57 pm
No such character in the Scriptures.
God created Adam & Eve............not a Lilith
2010-04-28 10:59 pm
read this... scroll down to mythological background
2010-04-28 11:11 pm
She didn't make the final cut of the Bible, but there are plenty of ancient Hebrew legends that she figures in.

Lilith appears in Isaiah 34:14, but the KJV translates Lilith as "screech owl."
2010-04-29 1:26 am
she is not in the bible.This is a Jewish myth I think but I could be wrong
2010-04-28 11:00 pm
Supposedly Adam's first wife which turned out to be a feminist and did not do what Adam wanted. She was rebellious and independent. One of the books that were supposedly taken out of the bible. Adam asked God for another and He gave him Eve.........so the story goes.
2010-04-28 10:57 pm
The closed beta for eve.
2010-04-28 10:59 pm
There is no mention of Lilith in the Bible, according to christian myths Lilith was Adams first wife made by Satan and she was too independent and equal to adam so God made subservient Eve from Adam so he would be superior to her.

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