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如果到8月al放榜, 我Ielts都不夠分(nottingham+loughborough要 7), 到時點算好 ? 係咪有d Pre-sessional English language course ga?
Depends on if they will offer you conditional offer. If they offer you that (That mean your AL result is good enough, only English is not enough, they will allow you to take 1 more IELTS before offer you the places.
If not, you can always go to do some English Course first. It's up to you.
我應不應該選擇nottingham(ABB + ielts7 min6.0) 和 loughborough(AAB + ielts7 min6.5) for my firm and insurance? 還是選擇 ielts要求 低d ge sheffield(ABB ielts 6), lancaster(AAB ielts 6.5)?
Well, kind of reflect on what you think you can get in ILETS actually, If you think you will fail but can get like 6.5 or 6, then you can try to see if Nottingham offer you condition or not, if you think at most you can get is 5.0 or so, then you probably better just go and study English Course anyway, not much point to lower your expectation.......