
2010-04-29 4:07 am
A hollow copper sphere of external radius 11 cm and thickness 1 cm is melted
and recast into a solid sphere. Find the radius of the solid sphere

30/4 4:00 pm前要搞惦啦-o-


to wingkei: 唔好意思我唔多明你計緊咩呀;) 可唔可以解釋下呢?? thx!!


to wingkei: 唔好意思我重有一題唔識._." 同gradient有關: a hill path 600m long is drawn on a map of scale 1:20000 by a line 2.4m.Find the average gradient of the path. sor>_<"

回答 (2)

2010-04-29 4:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
Volume of the copper sphere
=4/3 x pi x 11^3 - 4/3 x pi x (11-1)^3
= 5324pi/3 - 4000pi/3

Let r be the radius of the solid sphere
4/3 x pi x r^3=1324pi/3
the radius of the solid sphere is 6.92 cm

2010-04-28 20:19:06 補充:
To 超凡學生,
How can you find 4.58cm??
I want to know if I did anything wrong....

2010-04-28 21:35:47 補充:
Since copper sphere is hollow ,
The volume of the empty space should be excluded.
When the copper sphere is solid, its volume is 5324pi/3 cm^3
4000pi/3 is the empty space.
So the volume of hollow copper sphere is
5324pi/3 - 4000pi/3

2010-04-28 21:39:08 補充:
When the hollow copper sphere is melted and recast into a solid sphere, the volume of the new sphere is equal to the hollow one.
An equation 4/3 x pi x r^3=1324pi/3 is foemed to find out the radius of the new sphere.

(If you still don't understand, just tell me and I can explain once more in Chinese.)

2010-04-30 17:40:58 補充:
a hill path 600m long is drawn on a map of scale 1:20000 by a line 2.4m.Find the average gradient of the path. (I think it should be a line 2.4cm, right?)

2010-04-30 17:41:02 補充:
Draw a right-angled triangle to represent the hill path ,
The hypotenuse is 600m and the base is 2.4cmx20000=48000cm=480m

Let θ be the angle between the hypotenuse and base,
cos θ = 480/600 =0.8
θ = 36.9o (corr to 3 sig. fig.)
the average gradient of the path= tanθ = 0.75
2010-04-29 4:14 am

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