
2010-04-28 12:15 pm
最近我經常都係度諗 智慧ge來源...
人類比地球上ge其他動物聰明嗎? 點解?
2 million years ago...人類ge brain size 就開始不斷 increase...只係為左適應當時惡劣的環境咁簡單?

回答 (3)

2010-05-06 1:50 am
2010-04-28 9:49 pm
i think wisdom comes from experiences and human's desire.

human's desire made people wanted to improve. everytime they improved, they might keep at the same level for a while, since it reaches what they wanted. But they would like to improve when their desire rised up again, which made them think of improvements based on their previous experiences. by the time we gained experiences and had more 'practices on thinking how to improve'(more considerations), our wisdom became higher.

e.g. one of the reasons we studied history was to learn from the past, so that we dont make the same mistakes again. (although somehow we actually did....)

and about why human is wiser than some other animals. it might because human has hands and legs which are nimble to let them do many things. lets say, comparing a lamb and human. They both have the same desire of eating an apple up high on the tree. the lamb cannot climb, its limitation of its body made it have to give up. But human can climb and pick the apple. Human were not being limited by their body. And because of less limitaions, human can have more considerations on how they do things, hence human could think more and gained more experiences (=>more improvements)

when you asked did human become smarter due to bad enviroment/situation. i would say it was their desire to stay alive......but do agree bad situation forced human to think of solutions. (solutions came from experiences)

my points:
- wisdom comes from human's desire which is developed by experiences.
- limitations of body made human wiser than some animals.

sorry for my bad presentation...hope u can understand....
+thanks for ur question making me think. it is way to improve. =]
參考: there isnt any reference supporting my points....all come out from my mind...
2010-04-28 6:38 pm
tipping point!

when you have accumulate certain thing to a certain way, when you have reach a certain tipping point, thing will change very quickly...

for example:
protein will not be cook if the temperature is less then 46 degree. No matter how long you put the protein in 45 degree, it will not cook! however, once when the temperature reach the tipping point 46 degree, the protein start cooking!

another example.
one has to have a certain income level in order to be able to accumulate the first payment of mortgage. when you earn 1000/month, and your expenditure is 1000, you will not be able to safe any money. however if you earn 2000, then you can save 1000/month, so the tipping point for your saving is $1000. However, the first payment of mortgage is 10000, and you will need to save 10 month in order to meet with that first payment, and once you reach this tipping point, you will have your house!

Our brain size has been increasing very slowly for the past millions of year, when it reach certain size 5000 years ago, the tipping point reached, the spark of intelligent ignite, hence the beginning of modern civilization!

this is just a theory, hope I can inspire you to seek further...

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