英文翻譯 請高手幫忙!!感謝

2010-04-28 11:15 pm
There were minimal age differences for problem-focused strategies, with all age groups using this strategy the most.

回答 (7)

2010-04-29 12:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
There were minimal age differences for problem-

focused strategies , with all age groups using this

strategy the most.

1. 中譯:



2. 句子結構:

句子 +介系詞片語 (=介系詞+名詞/名詞片語)




The non-profit organization has solved many social



The non-profit organization helps the poor to find



合併: By helping the poor to find employment , the non-

profit organization has solved many social problems .



3. 除了因果關係之外,介系詞片語也可用於其它方面:

(1)相對相反,例: Instead of going out with his friends, Tim

stayed home to clean his house.

(2) 藉著: By means of nanotechnology, the company's

research team invented a new powerful computer chip.

(3)沒有: Without my help, Susan replaced the flat tire in

just 20 minutes.

(4) 時間數目: Prior to cellphones, public phones used to

be everywhere.

(5) 根據,在...之下: At the urge of my father, I decided to

get a graduate degree.

(6) 僅管: Even with a 10% price cut, these motorcycles

are still too expensive.

(7) 關於...方面: In regard to Internet marketing, the

manager wanted the employees to find ways to increase

the website traffic.

參考: Grammar book
2010-04-29 12:53 am

2010-04-28 18:28:27 補充:
英文和中文不能直接翻译 比如以下
strategies/stratgy=strategist 战略/策略
problem 问题
focused=focus 集中/中心
可是problem-focused strategies=句子主要是‘策略’为主
age 年龄
groups=group 组织/组别/集团 using=use 使用
with all age groups using=整个句子加起来就变成=使用这...的年龄
2010-04-29 12:33 am
有時候, 英文可表現意思詳細, 而句子又短... 真的不容易翻譯.

Remarks :
- 層裡 (或「組別」裡)
- 重點 (or, 「集中」)

Version (1) : *** 我覺得, 這個比較好 ***
這些重點處理問題的策略, 也常被各年齡層使用, 然而, 當中歲數的差異極少

Version (2) :
在所有的年齡組層裡, 最常採用這些重點處理問題的策略, 然而, 這歲數的差異極少

Version (3) : (這是直接接原文翻譯)
這裡只有極少的年齡差異, 使用不同重點處理問題的策略; 然而, 這策略均被所有齡組層採用.

2010-04-28 16:43:54 補充:
另外, 你要注意句子重點來那 :
" There were minimal age differences for problem-focused strategies, with all age groups using this strategy the most."

後面一句是中心點 : 很多人往往翻譯錯誤英文句子, 或將意思倒過來. 不因是「先入為主」

2010-04-28 16:51:23 補充:
你這句子, 也可寫為 :
舉例 : All age groups use these problem-focused strategies, whereas there were minimal age differences.
原句或我改寫的句子上 "strategies"... 不只是其中一個策略, 而是「這些」, 「不只一個」.

2010-04-28 17:01:45 補充:
上句 : **原因是「先入為主」---> 打錯"不"字.

而句子當中的比較, 是"年齡的差別" (age differences) 與 "年齡組" (age group). 主要是帶出「採用率」. 所有人/大部份人都有使用problem-focused strategies ..
我相信, 原作者想強調「差異」不大, 令人知道這些problem-focused strategies是常用的.
參考: 自己
2010-04-29 12:22 am
由於對於問題因應運用的策略上, 僅在年齡上有些微的差異, 最好是有的年齡層都使用這策略
2010-04-29 12:10 am
2010-04-28 11:51 pm
2010-04-28 11:25 pm

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