請盡快幫我翻譯成英文 - 急急急!!! 唔要線上翻譯!! 唔

2010-04-28 6:30 am
請盡快幫我翻譯成英文 - 急急急!!! 唔要線上翻譯!! 唔該!
3. 擴大對外宣傳推廣
鑑於香港經濟基數小,經濟結構過於單一,缺乏大型製造業的支持,單靠香港本身的企業及資金,發展始終有限 。 香港應保持其國際化特色,在投資中介、投資者、資金來源方面,保持或增大其國際參與的比重,吸引更多海外資金及參與者加入金融市場。同時,亦須繼續吸引內地企業來港上市。 香港作為內地對外的橋頭堡,香港金融市場的「國際化」固然可吸引內地的企業及資金;但反過來香港金融市場的「內地化」,是吸引海外投資者的重要元素,形成一個良性循環。
香港雖有務實的金融法規及優良的基建,上市費用相對較低等,但香港對外宣傳及提供服務不足,未能吸納更多海外業務。即使連老牌國際金融中心─倫敦亦積極拓展客源,相比之下,香港顯得較為被動。 香港應仿效倫敦交易所,在香港設立亞太區 辦事處 ,與政府牽頭帶同業界出訪,聯絡有潛質的公司在倫敦上市投資的做法,在海外及內地設立地區辦事處,加強宣傳,及協助解決上市或集資的問題,吸引更多外地公司來港進行投融資活動 。
4. 加強與國際及內地的聯繫和合作
香港可加強與海外其他交易所的聯繫和合作,共同推出金融產品,以預託證券吸引優質企業來港掛牌,推動企業在香港及其他金融中心雙掛牌上市( dual listing ),及加 強國際間的交易結算系統聯網等 。
至於與內地金融中心的合作方面,現時不少內地城市包括上海、廣州、北京和深圳等正大力發展其金融業,有意見認為,這將會造成競爭,但其實香港與內地金融中心的關係應是互利互補的,不少國家均有超過一個金融中心, 中國內地是完全可容納超過 1 個的金融中心。 香港與內地可探討共同發展某些業務的可能性,利用內地的經濟實力、配合香港的自由開放和國際化的優勢,發展股票於兩地掛牌、 A 股指數期貨、商品期貨及人民幣期貨等金融工具,並加強香港與內地的訊息交流及交易結算系統聯網 。
5. 協助推進內地金融改革、資本帳開放及人民幣自由兌換
近年中央政府 推出 境內合資格投資者機構制度( QDII )的先行措施, 容許部分內地合格的機構作有限度的海外投資。 在內地資金正準備大舉來港之際,香港是否有 足夠的金融工具,如有關定息或股票組合的投資工具, 活躍的二手市場,以吸引內地資金留在香港,並為將來更大規模的流向海外的內地資金作好吸納準備 。
另一方面,內地容許香港銀行經營有限度人民幣業務,是香港經營人民幣業務的第一步。 香港銀行應做好現今已批准開辦的人民幣業務的工作,以便使香港流通的人民幣回流納入正常機制;籌備有關人民幣結算平台的建設;在適當時候向中央推介在香港擴大人民幣業務經營範圍,如發行人民幣債券、 對香港進口的內地產品提供人民幣結算,及設立人民幣離岸市場等 ; 闡述 有關業務對國家和香港帶來的好處,及提出有助促進內地金融市場開放改革和穩定發展的措施及理 據 ,從而 協助推進內地金融改革、資本帳開放及人民幣自由兌換 。
6. 完善監管制度
香港必須根據國際最新的發展情況,不斷完善金融體系的監管制度,以維持香港國際金融中心的地位。 在高風險投資工具如衍生金融工具愈來愈受歡迎,國際資金(熱錢)的大進大出,增加了金融市場的波動性之際,當局宜密切注意有關市場的發展情況,參考國際做法,並制定有關防範風險的監管方案 。 在金融業全球化的今天,香港亦應加強與其他國家監管部門的聯繫和合作 ,及早應付日新月異的問題,以減低對市場造成的震盪。總的來說,香港監管當局應繼續恪守其 既維持市場穩定又不致窒礙金融業的靈活性和創新性的監管原則。


CEPA 是《內地與香港關於建立更緊密經貿關係的安排》的簡稱。

Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement

1. 零關稅優惠 (貨物貿易自由化)
2. 服務貿易對外開放
3. 貿易投資便利化

回答 (4)

2010-04-29 12:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
3. To expand outreach to promote
However, the economic base, economic structure over a single, a lack of support for large-scale manufacturing alone our own business and capital, development is limited. Hong Kong should maintain its international characteristics, investment intermediaries, investors, sources of funds to maintain or increase their share of international participation, to attract more overseas capital and financial market participants to join. Also need to continue to attract Mainland enterprises listed in Hong Kong. Outside Hong Kong as a bridgehead, the Hong Kong financial markets, "internationalization" of course, to attract Mainland enterprises and capital; But then our financial markets, "the Mainland," which is an important element in attracting foreign investors to form a virtuous circle.
Hong Kong has the pragmatic financial regulations and good infrastructure, relatively low listing fees, etc., but Hong Kong's external publicity and inadequate provision of services, failed to attract more overseas business. Even the old international financial center, London is also actively expanding ─ source, compared to Hong Kong was rather passive. Hong Kong should follow the example of the London Stock Exchange, Asia Pacific office in Hong Kong, and the Government take the lead with a visit with the industry, contact with potential investors in the London market practice in the Mainland and overseas to set up regional offices, publicity, and assistance market or funding issues, to attract more overseas companies to Hong Kong for investment and financing activities.
Four. Strengthen international links and cooperation with the Mainland
Hong Kong can strengthen links with overseas exchanges an cooperation, the launching of financial products to ADR to attract quality enterprises listed in Hong Kong to promote business in Hong Kong and other financial centers, dual-listed (dual lising), and strengthen the international trading settlement system networking.

2010-04-28 16:38:12 補充:
so much!我寄信給你!
2010-05-10 1:12 am
候選編號 001 very GOOD!
2010-04-29 12:20 pm
Expand the outreach advertising and promotion -
Since the economy basis point of Hong Kong is small, the economic structure is very limited, the lack of support from big-sized enterprises – the development is limited if it only relies on the enterprise and capital of Hong Kong .

Hong Kong should maintain its internationalized specialty. Hong Kong should maintain or increase its ratio of international participation in terms of investors and capital resources. This can attract more overseas capital and join the Finance market. It will also attract the Mainland China enterprises to go public in Hong Kong simultaneously.

The Hong Kong Finance market can definitely attract the capital and enterprises from Mainland China , but on the other hand, the main factor for attracting the overseas investors is the Mainland China style of the Hong Kong Finance Market. This produces a beneficial cycle.

Although Hong Kong has the solid finance regulations and excellent establishment, the fee of going public is relatively inferior. Based on the insufficiencies of advertising and services provided, Hong Kong is unable to attract more of the overseas trade. The International Finance Center of London is taking an active role for expanding the customer bases, Hong Kong seems to be more passive in this aspect comparatively.

2010-04-29 04:21:04 補充:
email me at [email protected] for the rest of the essay. I can't type anymore.
2010-04-29 5:48 am
thank you very much!

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