might 同 may 的分別及意思

2010-04-28 5:53 am
might 是什麼意思?



回答 (4)

2010-04-28 7:47 pm
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文法上might是may的past tense,當然對。假如你在小說全本都是以過去式寫的話,看到might便當是may看,因為全書都是past tense記述一些事,並沒有分過去可能還是現在可能。



I think it may rain this afternoon.表示我認為下午都應該會下雨了。
I think it might rain this afternoon.表示我認為下午有機會但未必會下雨。

it might happen, I might go, you might be right都是表示不確定的可能(不能肯定會不會發生,我未決定去與否,你可能是對的(其實心裏說我不太相信你是對的)。

反而以過去式的may會常被同學唔會是「以前認為可能,而現在不認為可能」,但might這個字本身用法是沒有這個意思的,要說這種以前可能現在不信會可能要用另一個詞,I used to...
2010-04-28 11:50 pm
Grammar: May/ Might
Same usage: possible, but not sure 表示有可能, 一般來說 may and might 通用
She may/might not want to come with us.

用Might 比 may 更有禮貌
1) 提意見Suggestion/ Giving advice:
might is used to suggest politely what someone should do.
e.g. If you need further help, you might call me.

2) 問許可Asking for permission: might is used to politely ask for permission to do something.
e.g. Might I borrow your pen?
I wonder if I might speak to your son.

Difference usage: 兩者不同之處
1) May is not used in questions about possible events or situations. Use might instead 只能用 might 於發問有關事件發生的可能性
e.g. Might there be problems?

2) Might is used to show doubt, shyness表示懷疑, 羞怯
e.g Might I suggest another time?
Might I arrange a meeting with the director?

3. Might expresses more doubt or hesitation than may 比may 更多些懷疑
That might be our last chance.( but I doubt it)

4. Might isused in indirect questions or when reporting that someone talked or thought about the possibility of something. 只能用might 於間按問句及複述句或過去式
e.g He said he might be able to help you. (reported speech)
She was worried that we might get hurt. (past possibility)
Bill asked who she might be. (indirect question)
2010-04-28 4:20 pm


2010-04-28 6:19 am
'May' means possible to do something.

'Might' is the past tense of 'may'.

Although using 'may' is also polite , it's more polite to use 'might' to ask for someone/something's information or permission.

This is my cognition to 'may' and 'might'.
參考: Me

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