relative clause/pronouns(20分)

2010-04-28 3:17 am
如題,relative clause/pronouns中where ,who ,which 應該如何運用?我成日唔知點樣運用,如下題:

The Community Chest raises money for people. The people are poor or sick.

請用who連接佢地,但係我唔明邊到用relative clause/pronouns,邊到用relative clause/pronouns.


回答 (5)

2010-04-28 6:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Community Chest raises money for people who are poor or sick.

因為呢到既'who' 用黎代左'people' ,咁就可以將佢地連埋一齊啦~


1.The woman ''''is'''' a famous singer. The woman ''''''donated''''''' the most money.
2.The country park '''''is'''''' crowed. People ''''''took'''''' part in the 'Greening for the Chest' in the country park.

第一句是用'verb-to-be' (is/am/are/was/were)的形式,而第二句是用 '....ed' (我唔知點樣解釋,總之係'verb-to-be' 以外既verb...get唔get到???)

1.The woman who ''''''donated'''''' the most money ''''''is''''' a famous singer.
2.The country park where people '''''took'''''' part in the 'Greening for the Chest' ''''''is''''''' crowed.

用'women' 個句黎解下啦~

第一句係:''''''The woman'''''' is a famous singer.
第二句:''''''The woman'''''' donated the most money.

將第二句連埋佢用'who'既話,係用黎代左'woman' 所以第二句要擺左係前面跟住佢先合理. woman對番who. 所以變左The woman who donated the most money ..............

'country park'個句都係大同小異

第一句:'''''The country park'''''' is crowed.
第二句: People took part in the 'Greening for the Chest' '''''in the country park.'''''''

'country park' 對番'who' 所以變左’The country park where people took part.....’


回應返你既主題: who係用黎代人,where 係用黎代地方,which係用黎代事件/事物


Where: The playground where I made a lot of friends ,used to be a military camp.

Which: The playground which located in Central ,used to be a military camp.



2010-04-27 22:54:42 補充:

2010-04-30 20:55:37 補充:
基本上, 如果兩句都係用(is/am/are/was/were) 既話,邊句前邊句後根本唔重要~


She is a girl. Her Chinese is fantastic.

She is a girl whose Chinese is fantastic.(Correct)
She, whose Chinese is fantastic, is a girl.(Also correct)

2010-05-01 13:24:36 補充:
She is a girl. She is a student of ABC School.
She is a girl who is a student of ABC School.(Correct)
She is a student of ABC School who is a girl. (Correct)

但其實我比較少看到用who,又兩句用(is/am/are/was/were)...感覺上怪怪的... 因為用得verb-to-be 唔係指'一個人既身份職業之類'既話,就係用adjective...

2010-05-01 13:24:42 補充:
唔明既話,用返上面既例子.. 其實用(She is a female student of ABC School) 即可....
She is a girl. She is beautiful/happy/inspiring.
其實只要咁樣寫(She is a beautiful/happy/inspiring girl )即可...

2010-05-01 13:27:55 補充:
其實who/where/which 之外既都只有 whose 同 that

你可能仲會聽到'whom' 但其實同'who'大同小異...

whose 只係用黎代'Your/My/His/Her/Their/Our'



2010-05-01 13:31:38 補充:

Peter is handsome. His English is perfect.

Peter is handsome whose English is perfect


2010-05-01 16:06:23 補充:
The man paints a picture every month. He wrote a novel last month.

The man who paints a picture every month wrote a novel last month.(correct)

The man who wrote a novel last month paints a picture every month. (correct)


2010-05-02 14:57:00 補充:

參考: 自己
2010-05-01 5:24 am
fatchoy0924:可唔可以教我用who先啊,我實在未學到用who,where,which以外gerelative clause/pronouns啊,唔該
2010-05-01 5:03 am
唔該睇我意見,我係fatchoy0924,fatchoy0924 個度已經唔夠位寫...

參考: Me
2010-04-28 6:26 am
樓上已給了解釋, 我來作個補充.

你要先記住一個規則, 之後的解釋你就會明白.
就是relative clause是用來修飾和補充前面所說的事, 可以是修飾subject, 也可以是修飾object.

第一句你要修飾的是"people", 你想要說明這些受援助的"people"是"poor and sick", 所以你要在main clause的"people"後面接relative clause. 又這裡的"people"是object, "community chest"是subject.

若果你主要描述這些"people"是"poor and sick", 而想要補充說這些people是受援助的, 那麼main clause就是"the people are poor and sick", 而你現在要為subject的"people"作出補充, 就將"(for) whom the community......" 放在"people"後面.

總之relative clause是放在你想要修飾和補充的字詞後面, 至於它是個subject還是object, 在句首還是句尾, 就看你想要表達的內容, 決定哪一句才是main clause了.

同樣道理, 第二句也有兩個可能性: 如果你想表達"woman"是"famous singer", 你想補充說那個捐了錢的女人, 就會變成"The woman, who donated the most money, is a famous singer".

相反, 若果你想表達那個女人捐了錢, 而補充說那個女人是"famous singer", 就會變成"The woman, who is a famous singer, donated the most money".


注意若果relative clause前後有逗號, 代表這是non-restrictive relative clause, 聽者已經知道了你想表達的subject, 你的relative clause只是就你想要表達的subject作出補充而已.
參考: 自己
2010-04-28 3:29 am
首先,你的那句例句應該是: The Community Chest raises money for people who are poor or sick.

你的那兩句有一個共通:people,所以兩句就以它來連接。由於 people 是人,所以用 who(地方用 where、時間用 when、死物用 which)。只要把 who 代替第二句的 the people 就可以。連接之後就只有一個 sentence,而這 sentence 是由兩個 clauses 組成:main clause (The Community Chest raises money for people) 和一個 relative clause (who are poor or sick)。

你這兩句有第二個方法連接,便是把 The people are poor or sick 做 main clause 而把前面 The community chest... 轉做 relative clause。答案是:The people, whom the community chest raises money for, are poor or sick. 這裡用 whom 而不用 who 是因為 people 在 relative clause 裡是 object(上面的一句 people 在 relative clause 裡是 subject)。在講複雜少少:這一句再正式一點是要把 relative clause裡最後的 preposition 移到最前,變成 The people, for whom the community chest raises money, are poor or sick.

2010-04-28 16:53:12 補充:
OK,讓我再講多少少。你首先把兩句位置調轉,成為:The people are poor or sick. 和 The Community Chest raises money for people.。先看第二句,要改變的字 people 是 object。所以要用 whom 而非 who 替代,變成 The Community Chest raises money for whom。第二步是把 whom 或 for whom放在最前,變成 for whom the community...。第三步(待續)

2010-04-28 16:58:21 補充:
第三步是把兩句合起來,變成 ...poor or sick for whom the...。但還未完成,因為它違反了一個很重要原則。for whom...現在是講緊 d people,所以一定要盡量接近 people 這個字。所以我們乾脆把 "for whom the community..."直接放在 "The people are..." 中的 people 後面,變成 The people, for whom the community chest raises money, are poor or sick.

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